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The Board then adjourned at 12:07 P. M. and reconvened <br />at 1:30 o'clock P. M. <br />The Administrator was requested to notify the engineers <br />in the County and the Sebastian Inlet Commission of the meeting <br />on Beach Erosion be held in the Commission Room on <br />April 26 at 4:00 o'clock P. M. <br />The Administrator was requested to comply with the <br />requirements as set forth by Hartford Insurance Company in regard <br />to the policy on steam and water equipment. <br />On Motion of Commissioner Dritenbas, second of <br />Commissioner Loy, the following Resolution was unanimously <br />adopted: <br />RESOLUTION NO --7-1-26 <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County is the fee simple owner of <br />certain lands in Indian River County, and <br />WHEREAS, from time to time requests are made to the <br />Board of County Commissioners to sell or give up its ownership to certain <br />lands it owns, in particular, some parks that are county owned, and <br />WHEREAS, the Board is presently undertaking a comprehensive <br />county wide water and sewer survey study and <br />WHEREAS, certain lands will be needed for use in the future <br />for public works, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of <br />County Commissioners of Indian River County that the Board adopts a policy <br />of not relinquishing its ownership in parks or other county owned lands until <br />it is determined that such lands will not be needed in the future. <br />