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1 <br />f <br />1 <br />1 <br />S <br />chairman of $bLid board; attested by clerk or secretary of said board with the corporate <br />seal thereof affixed, and the bank upon which each check or warrant or warrants is <br />drawn shall not pay same until it shall receive a certified list from.'secretary or clerk <br />of board issuing chick, *arrantjor?warrants giving date and number and amount of each <br />check or warrant or warrants and person to whom issued." <br />.. , <br />The amount of the security is in the discretion of the Board; but the kind of se- <br />curity is provided by' law as set out by Section 2404 C. G* L., 1927, of Florida: <br />Any banks; National or State, authorized to do business in this State; that wil] <br />pay two per pent per annum on daily balances of the county general revenue funds; the <br />county fine and forealture funds, the road funds, and each and every other separate and <br />distinct county funds; respectively; and also, upon the general or common aounty school <br />funds and,on each special tax school district fund; respectitely; when the deposits to <br />the credit of said funds; respectively; excoed two thousand dollars, and four per cent <br />per annum on balances of such funds, respectively, deposited for a period of three monthu <br />or longer; and gives; at its own exponse a 'surety bond issued by some surety company <br />authorized to do business in this State, or make satisfactory deposit to the credit of <br />the county sufficient Federal; State" county or municipal bonds for the protection of <br />said funds; is hereby created a county depository and authorized and entitled to receive <br />public funds in the manner and method hereinafter provided." <br />We rind that this statute has not been complied with by the Board in that the de- <br />pository banks did not file a written offer and guarantee to pay said Board interest on <br />County funds as required by Section 2405.C* G. Lop 19279. of Florida: <br />! as described above„ desiring to become a county depository as herein <br />provided; shall file with the board of county commissioners or board of public instruc- <br />tion; or both boards; a written offer and guarantee to pay said board or boards two per <br />cent per annum on all daily balances when such funds exceed two thousand dollars, and <br />' four per cent per a num on time deposits; and shall execute and deliver to said board <br />or boards a surety bond issued by some company duly authorized to do business in this <br />State; . or make satisfactory deposit to the credit of the county, Federal, State, county <br />or municipal bonds; in an amount to be determined by each of the said boards, respect- <br />ivelyp and be approved both as to amount and to validity by the Comptroller,of the State, <br />and conditioned that said bank insure the safekeeping,.accounting for and paying over on <br />.demand by proper authority all money that may come into its hands by virtue of its actinE <br />as said depository; and will in all respects duly and faithfully perform the duty, imposed <br />upon it, is entitled and authorized to receive an equitable share of the public money of <br />the county in which it is located: <br />Provided' the county.comuissioners and board of public.in6truction shall divide the de- <br />posits of their countyequitably among the banks of the county that have qualified as <br />provided in this Chapter$ and in case no bank in the county should qualify, then the s <br />boards are authorized and commanded to divide the deposits among the banksiin some other <br />county meeting the conditions as provided in this Chapter." <br />(5) The facts as we find them with reference to the transfer of funds as above <br />stated into banks shortly before closing, warrant the cbnelusicn that there is a possi <br />liability to the County on the part of the banks paying the checks by which such trans <br />were effected and on the part of the officials drawing such checks. <br />(6) ZOETR.A.CT WITH FLORIn.A. ROAD 01LIaG COUP <br />We find that in 1926 the Board had transactions with the Florida Road oiling <br />t;} <br />Compamyp involving the oiling and re -surfacing the roads in apedM1 Road and Bridge Dis`� <br />