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B . If, within two business days after Bids are opened , any Bidder files a duly signed , written notice <br /> with Owner and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there <br /> was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of its Bid , that Bidder may withdraw its Bid <br /> and the Bid security will be returned . Thereafter, that Bidder will be disqualified from further bidding <br /> on the work to be provided under the Contract Documents <br /> 1 . 13 OPENING OF BIDS <br /> Bids will be opened and ( unless obviously non - responsive ) read aloud publicly . An abstract <br /> of the amounts of base Bids and major alternates ( if any) will be made available to Bidders after the <br /> opening of Bids . <br /> 1 . 14 BIDS TO REMAIN SUBJECT OF ACCEPTANCE <br /> All bids will remain subject to acceptance for sixty days after the day of the Bid opening , but <br /> the Owner may , in its sole discretion , release any Bid and return the Bid security prior to that date . <br /> 1 . 15 AWARD OF CONTRACT <br /> A . Owner reserves the right : to reject any and all Bids in whole or in part with or without <br /> cause ; to waive any and all informalities not involving price , time , or changes in the <br /> work ; to <br /> negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder ; to disregard all non -conforming , non - <br /> responsive , unbalanced , or conditional Bids ; and to accept the bid that , in its judgment , will serve <br /> the best interest of Indian River County . Discrepancies in the multiplication of units of work and unit <br /> prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices . Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any <br /> column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum . Owner <br /> reserves the right to cancel the award of any Contract at any time before the execution of such <br /> Contract by all parties without any liability to the Owner . For and in consideration of the Owner <br /> considering Bids submitted , the Bidder , by submitting its Bid , expressly waives any claim to <br /> damages , of any kind whatsoever , in the event the Owner exercises its right to cancel the award in <br /> accordance herewith . <br /> B . In evaluating Bids , Owner will consider the qualifications of the Bidder, whether or not the <br /> Bids comply with the prescribed requirements , and such alternates , unit prices , and other data , as <br /> may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of Award . <br /> C . Owner may consider the qualifications and experience of subcontractors listed on the <br /> Schedule of Subcontractors ( Section 00431 ) , together with the qualifications and experience of <br /> other subcontractors , suppliers , and other persons and organizations proposed for the work that <br /> are required to be identified as provided in the Supplementary Conditions . Owner may consider the <br /> operating costs , maintenance requirements , performance data and guarantees of major items of <br /> materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the work when such data is required to be <br /> submitted prior to the Notice to Award . <br /> D . Owner may conduct such investigations as Owner deems necessary to assist in the <br /> evaluation of any Bid and establish the responsibility , qualifications , and financial ability of Bidders , <br /> proposed subcontractors , suppliers , and other persons and organizations to perform and furnish <br /> the work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed <br /> time . <br /> E . If the Contract is to be awarded , it will be awarded to the lowest Bidder whose evaluation <br /> by Owner indicates to Owner that the award will be in the best interests of the Owner . <br /> 00100 -6 <br />