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1/22/2016 1:43:27 PM
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10/1/2015 1:46:27 AM
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Beemats LLC
Floating Mat System
Spoonbill Marsh Wetland Facility
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as Owner must specify lumber , timber and other forest products produced and manufactured in <br /> Florida whenever such products are available and their price , fitness and quality are equal . <br /> 1 . 19 TRENCH SAFETY <br /> Florida Statutes Section 553 . 60 through 553 . 64 , known as the "Trench Safety Act" requires <br /> all contractors engaged by Indian River County , Florida to comply with Occupational Safety and <br /> Health Administration ' s excavation safety standard , found in 29 C . F . R . s . 1926 . 650 Subpart P . All <br /> prospective subcontractors are required to sign a Trench Safety Act Compliance Statement and <br /> provide compliance cost information where indicated . The costs for complying with the Trench <br /> Safety Act must be incorporated into the Bid . <br /> 1 . 20 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT <br /> Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 287 . 133 ( 2 ) ( a ) , all Bidders are hereby notified that a <br /> person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a <br /> public entity crime may not submit a bid , proposal , or reply on a contract to provide any goods or <br /> services to a public entity ( defined as the State of Florida , any of its departments or agencies , or <br /> any political subdivision ) ; may not submit a bid , proposal , or reply on a contract with a public entity <br /> for the construction or repair of a public building or public work ; may not submit bids , proposals , or <br /> replies on leases of real property to a public entity ; may not be awarded or perform work as <br /> a <br /> contractor , supplier , subcontractor , or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and may <br /> not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Florida <br /> Statutes Section 287 . 017 for CATEGORY TWO [currently $ 25 , 000 ] for a period of 36 months from <br /> the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list . A " public entity crime " means a violation of <br /> any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction <br /> of <br /> business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with <br /> the United States , including , but not limited to , any bid , proposal , reply , or contract for goods <br /> or <br /> services , any lease for real property , or any contract for the construction or repair of a <br /> public <br /> building or public work , involving antitrust , fraud , theft , bribery , collusion , racketeering , conspiracy , <br /> or material misrepresentation . <br /> 1 . 21 PERMITS , IMPACT , AND INSPECTION FEES . <br /> In accordance with Florida Statutes Section 218 . 80 , the " Public Bid Disclosure Act" , Indian <br /> River County as OWNER is obligated to disclose all license , permit , impact , or inspection fees that <br /> are payable to Indian River County in connection with the construction of the Work by the accepted <br /> bidder . ALL PERMIT , IMPACT , OR INSPECTION FEES PAYABLE TO INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br /> IN CONNECTION WITH THE WORK ON THIS COUNTY PROJECT WILL BE PAID BY INDIAN <br /> RIVER COUNTY , WITH THE EXCEPTION OF RE - INSPECTION FEES AS SET FORTH IN THE <br /> CONTRACT . The Bidder shall not include ANY PERMIT , IMPACT , NOR INSPECTION FEES <br /> payable to Indian River County in the bid . <br /> END OF SECTION <br /> 00100 - 8 <br />
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