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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1971 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida met in regular session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida <br />on Wednesday, November 24, 1971 at 8:30 o'clock A. M. Present were <br />Richard P. Bogosian, Chairman; Alma Lee Loy, Vice Chairman; D. B. <br />McCullers, Jr.; Jack U. Dritenbas and Edward J. Massey. Also present <br />were Jack G. Jennings, County Administrator; Paul D. Burch, Attorney <br />to the Board of County Commissioners; James Reams, Deputy Sheriff; <br />and L. S. Thomas and Janet N. Turpan, Deputy Clerks. <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked if <br />there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the regular <br />meeting of November 10, 1971. There were none and upon a Motion <br />made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by Commissioner McCullers, <br />the minutes of the regular meeting of November 10, 1971 were <br />unanimously approved as written. <br />Mr. Van Murphy of the Division of Forestry appeared before <br />the Board and advised them that any person who wished to do open <br />burning would be required to call the Division of Forestry before <br />the burning. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by <br />Commissioner Massey and unanimously carried that authorization be <br />given for advertisement for public hearing before the Zoning Board <br />for a zoning change from C -1B Restricted Commercial District to <br />C-1 Commercial District as requested by Dan K. Richardson. <br />A Motion was made by Commissioner Massey, seconded by <br />Commissioner Dritenbas and unanimously carried that authorization <br />be given for advertisement for public hearing before the Board of <br />County Commissioners for a zoning change from C=l Commercial District <br />to R-lTM Transient Mobile Home District as requested by McKee -Sexton <br />Land Company. <br />eoox - 14 PA" 51*1 <br />" ) 4 1971 � <br />