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1/11/2016 1:50:29 PM
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10/1/2015 1:32:59 AM
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Timothy Rose Construction,Inc.
Barrier Island Reuse Water System Improvements
SR510 Reuse Water Systerm Improvements
SR 510,77th St.
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SECTION 00530 - EJCDC <br /> STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT <br /> BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR <br /> ON THE BASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE <br /> THIS AGREEMENT ( " Agreement" or " Contract " ) , dated the/ day of -J CL r1 Vy ct_ rz � in the <br /> year 20by and between Indian River County , a political subdivision of the Stale of Florida <br /> ( hereinafter called OWNER ) anc� 'L Cuu4 Fk � . ( hereinafter called CONTRACTOR ) . <br /> OWNER and CONTRACTOR , in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth , <br /> agree as follows : <br /> ARTICLE 1 WORK <br /> CONTRACTOR as an independent contractor and not as an employee shall furnish and complete <br /> all of the necessary labor , material , and equipment to perform the work as specified or indicated in <br /> the Contract Documents . The work is generally described as follows : <br /> A . CONTRACTOR shall complete all work as specified or indicated in the Contract <br /> Documents . The work is generally described as follows which shall include , but is not <br /> necessarily limited to the following . <br /> a . BARRIER ISLAND REUSE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS <br /> Indian River County ( IRC ) proposes to convert 14 , 500 LF of existing 16 " brine main , 9 , 100 <br /> LF of 12 " wastewater force main and 8 , 000 LF of 12 " potable water main into reuse water <br /> mains . The project involves cleaning and flushing of the mains and various connections . <br /> Portions of existing mains will also need to be abandoned . The work will be completed <br /> within Indian River County' s 77th Street right- of-way and within FDOT ' s State Road 510 <br /> right-of-way . The contents of the existing brine , potable water , and wastewater mains are <br /> to be properly disposed of under this project . Following conversion , the west end of the <br /> brine main is to be connected to a reuse main ( to be constructed by others ) at the Indian <br /> River County 3 . 0 MG reuse water storage tank site . The east end of the converted brine <br /> line is to be connected to the west ends of converted potable water and wastewater mains <br /> near the west shoreline of the Indian River along State Highway 510 . <br /> b . S . R . 510 REUSE WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS <br /> Indian River County ( IRC ) proposes to construct a 16 " reuse main within the State Road <br /> 510 ( SR 510 ) right- of-way from approximately the east end of the Wabasso ( inter- coastal <br /> waterway ) Bridge to State Road A- 1 -A , a distance of approximately 4 , 950 linear feet . <br /> Approximately 2 , 650 linear feet of this project will be constructed using the conventional <br /> open trench pipe installation method and the remaining approximately 2 , 300 linear feet will <br /> be constructed using the trenchless horizontal directional drill method . The proposed 16 " <br /> reuse main will be constructed along the north side of SR 510 . <br /> The project consists of, but is not limited to : utilities exploration , coordination with <br /> permitting agencies , clearing and grubbing , trenching , dewatering , removal and grouting of <br /> existing pipe , installation of pipe with fittings and all appurtenances ; valves , wet taps , pipe <br /> joint restrainers , air release valves , directional bores , soil compaction , testing , restoration <br /> of both paved and non - paved areas ( including landscaping ) , and traffic control . <br /> 00530 - 1 <br /> C : \Documents and Settings\mmclaughlin\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content . Outlook\24026LX8\00530 Agreement A1A <br /> Reuse . doc <br />
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