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Wabasso Beach Restoration Sector 3
Amendment No.1 to Grant Agreement
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• Paragraph 7 Table 1 is hereby revised as follows and the following language is hereby added to <br /> the Agreement : <br /> TABLE 1 <br /> Task # Eligible Project Tasks Estimated Project Costs <br /> Federal DEP Local Total <br /> 2 .0 Design and Permitting <br /> 2 . 1 Design and Permitting $ 34207 . 89 $342 , 607 . 89 $ 6855215 . 78 <br /> 2 . 2 Design and Permitting - ECL $ 121323 . 00 $ 12X3 . 00 $24 646 . 00 <br /> 2009 ( 50%) <br /> Design and Permitting $0 $3549930. 89 $3549930 . 89 $7099861 .78 <br /> Subtotal <br /> 3 . 0 Construction <br /> 3 . 1 2007 Emergency Dune $ 1901430 . 00 $ 190 , 430 . 00 $380 , 860 . 00 <br /> Restoration <br /> 3 . 2 Construction Bidding Services $22 , 247 . 00 $24 , 667 . 00 $461914 . 00 <br /> 2009 (47 . 42% ) <br /> Construction Subtotal $0 $2129677 .00 $2159097 . 00 $4279774 .00 <br /> TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $0 $5679607.89 $5709027 . 89 $ 191379635. 78 <br /> Prior written approval from the DEPARTMENT ' s Grant Program Administrator shall be required for <br /> changes between approved Project Tasks costs . Informal changes by the DEPARTMENT ' s Grant <br /> Program Administrator may not exceed 10% of the total budget amount and may not change the Total <br /> Project Costs . The DEPARTMENT ' s Grant Program Administrator will transmit a copy of the written <br /> approval and revised budget to the DEP Contracts Disbursements Office for inclusion in the Agreement <br /> file . Changes to Project Task costs greater than 10% will require a formal amendment to the Agreement . <br /> Any change to the Total Project Costs require formal amendment . <br /> • Paragraph 8 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following : <br /> The DEPARTMENT has determined that 100 percent of the PROJECT cost is eligible for state cost <br /> sharing . Therefore , the DEPARTMENT' s financial obligation shall not exceed the sum of $ 567 , 607 . 89 <br /> for this PROJECT or up to 50 percent of the non -federal PROJECT cost for task 2 . 1 , 2 . 2 , and 3 . 1 , and <br /> up to 47 . 42 percent of the non-federal PROJECT cost for task 3 . 2 due to lack of Legislative funding, if <br /> applicable, for the specific eligible PROJECT items listed above, whichever is less . To the extent <br /> applicable, it is understood and agreed that for portions of the PROJECT which are located within lands <br /> owned and managed by the DEPARTMENT ' s Division of Recreation and Parks, no cost share for <br /> construction activities shall be required of the LOCAL SPONSOR, and the PROJECT costs for such <br /> portions shall be paid by the DEPARTMENT . <br /> • Paragraph 14 is hereby revised to replace the fourth sentence as follows : <br /> The cumulative amount retained for each eligible Task Scope of Work shall be disbursed to the LOCAL <br /> SPONSOR upon notification to the DEPARTMENT with an executed notice of completion ( Attachment <br /> D) and after the DEPARTMENT has certified that the LOCAL SPONSOR has complied with all the <br /> terms and conditions of the Agreement, all applicable DEPARTMENT permits and the applicable scope <br /> of work for said item . <br /> REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br /> DEP Agreement No . 07I112 , Amendment No . 1 , Page 2 of 5 <br />
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