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11 <br />THE HOUR OF I0:00 O�CLOCK AA HAVING PASSED THE DEPUTY <br />CLERK READ THE ABOVE NOTICE WITH PROOF OF PUBLICATION ATTACHED TO WIT: <br />THE CHAIRMAN ASKED IF ANYONE PRESENT WISHED TO -BE HEARD, <br />THERE WERE NONE AND ON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER MASSEY, SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER MCCULLERS. THE BOARD UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING <br />RESOLUTION: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 7-110 <br />WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission of Indian River County, Florida, <br />did, after public hearing make its final report; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board did publish its notice of said recommended <br />changes and additions and did, pursuant thereto, hold a public hear- <br />ing in relation which parties in interest and citizens <br />were heard: Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, that the Zoning Resolution of Indian River <br />County, Florida, and the accompanying Zoning Map, be changed as <br />follows: <br />1. That the Zoning Map be changed in order that the following <br />described property, situated in Indian River County, owned by Leonard <br />and Frances Cherry, to -wit: <br />West 10 acres of East 20 acres of Tract 7, all in Section 4, <br />Township 33 -South, Range 39 -East, as the same is designated <br />on the last general plat of lands of Indian River Farms Company <br />recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of <br />St. Lucie County, Florida; said land now lying and being in <br />.Indian River County, Florida. <br />&ND Beginning at the southeast corner of the East ten acres <br />of the West 20 acres of Tract 2, Section 4, Township 33 -South, <br />Range 39 -East, as designated on last general plat of lands of <br />Indian River Farms Company filed in the Office of the Clerk of <br />the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County, Florida, run East 23.7 <br />ft., thence South to a point fifty feet North of the South line <br />of Tract 7, of the said Section 4, which is 682.3 feet East of <br />the southwest corner of the said Tract 7, thence North to point <br />of beginning, containing 0.36 acres, more or less. <br />Be changed from C -1A Restricted Commercial District and R-1 <br />Single Family District to C-lA Restricted Commercial District. <br />All within the meaning and intent and as set forth and described <br />in said Zoning Regulations. <br />BOB 15 mcE301`9 <br />