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ORDINANCE NO. 88 - <br />the project, dedicate sufficient land to correct the <br />road right-of-way deficiency for that segment of the <br />roadway abutting the site. Wherever a road right-of-way <br />deficiency exists, the deficiency shall be made up by <br />dedication of equal amounts of land from each side of <br />the existing right-of-way, except where: <br />1s a drainage district canal right-of-way or a <br />railroad right-of-way abuts one side of the <br />existing road right-of-way; or <br />2e at least one-half of the required road right-of-way <br />has been provided by the property on the opposite <br />side of the existing road right-of-way; <br />in which case <br />made up <br />e existin <br />the entire road right-of-way deficiency will <br />y dedication <br />of land <br />from the <br />opposite <br />side <br />of <br />right-of-way. <br />b) Dedication of Thoroughfare Plan Road Right -of -Way <br />Any applicant for building permit approval for the <br />construction of a dwelling on a site abutting a roadway <br />designated on the County Thoroughfare Plan where the <br />roadway has a road right-of-way deficiency shall <br />dedicate, at a minimum, sufficient land to make up his <br />share of the road right-of-way deficiency and shall <br />receive through traffic impact fee credits, or where the <br />County chooses to pay cash, 100% compensation for the <br />value of the land area dedicated for road right-of-way, <br />which exceeds any area needed to bring the right-of-way <br />up to County local (minor) road standards. <br />1) Exemption <br />a) Where 100% compensation cannot be <br />provided through traffic impact credit, <br />or where the County chooses to pay cash, <br />the applicant shall dedicate an amount of <br />land comparable in value to the percent <br />of compensation provided and shall <br />reserve the balance of the .right-of-way <br />deficiency; the location and configura- <br />tion of said dedication and reservation <br />areas shall be approved by the Public <br />Works Director. <br />c) Dedication of Minor (local) Road Right -of -Way <br />Any applicant for building permit approval for the <br />construction of a dwelling on a site abutting a public <br />or private roadway classified as a minor (local) road by <br />the terms of the County Thoroughfare Plan shall dedicate <br />sufficient land to make up his share of the road right- <br />of-way deficiency. There shall be no compensation given <br />for the dedication of minor (local) road right-of-way. <br />1) In cases where the planning director and the <br />public works director determine that, due to <br />physical and design constraints, a deficient <br />minor roadway segment cannot be brought up to <br />County standards in the future, the dedication <br />and/or reservation requirement may be waived. <br />(2) Access shall be restricted, on single-family lots having <br />_frontage on more than one roadway, 4¢¢044/ 44 1/160/116jtOO to <br />the roadwav with the lower functional classification. <br />CODING: Words in 0ttA0X7LrXr0A4M type are deletions from existing <br />law; words underlined are additions. <br />