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4s <br />SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS <br />Abutting Property - Property that is immediately adjacent or <br />contiguous to property that is subject to review under this <br />ordinance or property that is located immediately across any road <br />or public right-of-way from the property subject to review under <br />this ordinance. <br />Accessory Structure - A structure of a nature customarily <br />subordinate or incidental in size and use to the principal struc- <br />ture and located on the same site. Examples are tool sheds, <br />garages, and greenhouses. <br />Adverse Impacts - Any modifications, alterations or effects <br />upon a feature or characteristic of water or floodprone lands, <br />including but not limited to the quality, quantity, hydrodynamics, <br />surface area, living resources, aesthetics or usefulness for human <br />or natural uses of said water or flood prone land, which are, or <br />potentially may be harmful or injurious to human health, welfare, <br />safety or property, or which unreasonably interfere with the <br />enjoyment of life or property, including outdoor recreation. The <br />term includes secondary and cumulative as well as direct impacts. <br />Agricultural Lands - Those lands in any bonafide agricultural <br />use. <br />Alter or Alteration - Any work beyond maintenance of the <br />original condition including additions to an existing system, <br />changes of any part of an existing system to capacities or <br />locations different from those originally constructed, and changes <br />in the rate, volume, or timing of discharges. <br />As -Built Plans - Amended construction drawings specifying the <br />actual locations, dimensions, elevations, capacities, and capabil- <br />ities of structures and facilities as they have been constructed <br />on or under the site. <br />Building - An enclosed structure that is principally above <br />ground. The term includes mobile homes and gas or liquid storage <br />tanks. <br />Coastal High Hazard Area - Means the area subject to high <br />velocity waters caused by, but not limited to, hurricane wave wash <br />(surge) or tsunamis. The area is designated on a Federal Emer- <br />gency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as <br />zones V1 through V30. <br />Construction (or Start Of) - Any on-site activity including <br />land clearing, earth moving, or the erection of structures. <br />"Start of Construction" (for other than new construction or <br />substantial improvements under the Coastal Barrier Resources Act <br />(Pub. L. 97-j48), includes substantial improvement, and means the <br />date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of <br />construction, repair, reconstruction, placement, or other <br />improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual <br />