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` 3'fiESDA'Y, OCTOBER 29th 1929. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />the Court House in Vero Beach at 5 o'clock P.M.Tuesday, ©ctober 29t12 lyEy, W:.W tine <br />G <br />following members of the Board present: Albert 0. Helseth, Chairman; T. W. LaBruce; <br />i, <br />T. D Yongue and T. T. P. Hamilton. Also present was the Clerk by the Deputy Clerk, <br />The Chairran announced the special meeting was called for the purpose of discuss- <br />ing the matter of the refusal of the Planning and 'Zoning Commission of the City of Ver <br />Beach to permit the County to erect a Tail on the site selected by the Board. <br />I <br />After considerable discussion, it.was moved by Commissioner LaBruce that the <br />Board's attorney confer with the City authorities, and if possible obtain a permit <br />j for the erection of a jail on the site previously selected by the Board, and in the el <br />such building permit cannot be obtained that the attorney be and he is hereby authori2 <br />and directed to institute mandamus proceedings in the name of and on behalf of this <br />Board against the proper city officials for the purpose of requiting such officials <br />to issue such permit. <br />The motion being seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, and being put to a vote all <br />members present voting in favor of the motion. <br />On motion made, seconded and carried the Board then adjourned. <br />ASE Chairman <br />NA <br />C1erk-,-� <br />TUESDAY, NOVEIMER 5th 1929. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met . <br />at the Court House in Fero Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, November 5th 19299 with the <br />following members of the Board presents J.D.Yongue; J.W.laBruce; J.J.P.Ha.milton and <br />John H. Atkin. Absent Chairman, .Albert O.Helseth. Also present were Miles warren, <br />Clerk and Clark S. Rices &ie rif f . <br />rhe Chairman being absent, on motion made, seconded and carried John H.Atkin, <br />was named Chairman pro tem for this meeting. <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />wi llie Powell, Colored, appeared with v.S.Buehingham requesting assistance in <br />taking care of water on his place at Gifford, caused by reason of construction of roe <br />to negro school house. it was ordered the matter be tabled until mid -month meeting <br />and County Engineer zz be instructed to make estimate of probable cost in, connection <br />therewith. <br />County agent, W.E.Evens, filed his monthly report of activities. <br />it was ordered that the board pay actual cost of attending to Aaron Johnson, <br />negro, who has eye trouble and no funds with which to pay for same. <br />it was ordered Mrs. Clara Huff, Roseland, be. placed on. the pauper list to receiz <br />$14.00 per month. <br />on motion made, seconded and carried the County Engineer was ordered to secure <br />deed to right-of-way for Bridge across canal at M rth end of Royal Park in Vero Be <br />It wa,s ordered. that deeds to five acres of land donated by J.M.Knight and asso- <br />ciates be recorded by the Clerk of the circuit Court. <br />it was ordered that the County Engineer make estimate on continuation of Ro se - <br />land road to Methodist cliurch and then North to ka in Street and advise the Board. <br />,. <br />R <br />1 <br />u <br />