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{' rd" <br />Attachment "A" <br />SECTION I. GENERAL <br />A. Definitions: <br />Shall is mandatory, may is permissive or discretionary. The use of the singular shall be <br />construed to include the plural and the plural shall include the singular as indicated by <br />the context of its use. <br />BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand <br />CBOD - Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand <br />CFR - Code of Federal Regulations <br />COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand <br />EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency <br />gpd - gallons per day <br />LC50 - Lethal Concentration of Fifty Percent (50%) <br />of the Test Organisms <br />L - Liter <br />mg - Milligrams <br />mg/L - I Iffligrams per Liter <br />NTPDES - Rational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br />O & M - Operation and Maintenance <br />POTW - Public Ourned Treatment Works <br />RCRA - Resources Conservation and Recovery Act <br />SIC - Standard Industrial Classification <br />SIU - Significant Industrial User <br />SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act <br />(42 USC 6901, et seq.) <br />TSS - Total Suspended Solids <br />USC - United States Code <br />y <br />Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the folloNN"ing terns and phrases, as <br />used in this ordinance, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated: <br />L Authorized Representative: <br />a. If the Industrial user is a corporation, authorized representative shall mean. <br />(1) The president, secretary, treasurer, or a vice president of the <br />corporation in charge of a principal business function or any other <br />person who performs similar policy or decision making functions <br />of the corporation; or <br />E:\765NrEP0 RTO RDTNALNC.I 1 <br />The following <br />abbreviations <br />shall <br />have <br />the <br />designated <br />meanings: <br />BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand <br />CBOD - Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand <br />CFR - Code of Federal Regulations <br />COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand <br />EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency <br />gpd - gallons per day <br />LC50 - Lethal Concentration of Fifty Percent (50%) <br />of the Test Organisms <br />L - Liter <br />mg - Milligrams <br />mg/L - I Iffligrams per Liter <br />NTPDES - Rational Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br />O & M - Operation and Maintenance <br />POTW - Public Ourned Treatment Works <br />RCRA - Resources Conservation and Recovery Act <br />SIC - Standard Industrial Classification <br />SIU - Significant Industrial User <br />SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act <br />(42 USC 6901, et seq.) <br />TSS - Total Suspended Solids <br />USC - United States Code <br />y <br />Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the folloNN"ing terns and phrases, as <br />used in this ordinance, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated: <br />L Authorized Representative: <br />a. If the Industrial user is a corporation, authorized representative shall mean. <br />(1) The president, secretary, treasurer, or a vice president of the <br />corporation in charge of a principal business function or any other <br />person who performs similar policy or decision making functions <br />of the corporation; or <br />E:\765NrEP0 RTO RDTNALNC.I 1 <br />