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(2) The manager of one or more ma�nt factunng, production, or <br />operation facilities employing more than 250 persons or having <br />gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding S25 million (indexed <br />to inflation commencing with the effective date of this ordinance), <br />if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to <br />the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. <br />b. If the industrial user is a partnership, association, or sole proprietorship, an <br />authorized representative shall mean a general partner or the proprietor. <br />c. If the individual user is representing Federal, State or local government, <br />or an agent thereof, authorized representative shall mean a director or <br />highest official appointed or designated to oversee the operation and <br />performance of the activities of the government facility. <br />d. The individual described in paragraphs a through c above may designate <br />another authorized representative if the authorization is in writing, the <br />authorization specifies the individual or position responsible for the overall <br />operation of the facility from the discharge originates or having overall <br />responsibility for environmental matters for the company, and the <br />authorization is submitted to the County. <br />4. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): The quantity of oxygen utilized in the <br />biochemical oxidation of organic_maner under standard laboratory procedure, five <br />(5) days at 20' Centigrade expressed in terms of mass concentration, milligrams <br />per liter (mg/1). <br />5; Building Sewer: A sewer conveying wastewater from the premises of a user to <br />the POTW. <br />6. Categorical Pretreatment Standard or Categorical Standard: Any regulation or <br />amendment containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the USEPA in <br />accordance with Section 307 (b) and (c) of the Act (33 USC 1317) which applies <br />to a specific category of industrial users and which appears in 40 CFR Chapter 1, <br />Subchapter N, Part 405471, incorporated herein by reference. <br />7. Compatible wastes. CBOD, BOD, COD, TKN, TP, suspended solids, and <br />BOD/COD. <br />8. Color: The optical density at the visual wave length of maximum absorption, <br />relative to distilled water. One hundred percent (100%) transmittance is <br />equivalent to zero (0.0) <br />EN0765?�RFPORYNDRDNA.NC.I 2 <br />