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Policy 1.41: The Board of County Commissioners shall rezone land only in a manner that is <br />consistent with Future Land Use Element Table 2.13. Furthermore, the Board recognizes that not <br />every zoning district allowed in a land use designation is appropriate for every site within that land <br />use designation. For any parcel, the Board of County Commissioners may deny a rezoning request <br />(even when the requested zoning district is consistent with the parcel's land use designation) if the <br />denial serves a legitimate public purpose. A Board of County Commissioners' determination that <br />the requested zoning district is not appropriate for the parcel may also be based upon the absence of <br />the following locational criteria: <br />1. For the OCR, Office, Commercial, Residential zoning district: <br />• adjacent to existing office uses <br />• as a buffer between residential zoning districts and arterial roads or other commercial zoning districts. <br />• at node perimeters <br />2. For the MED, Medical zoning district: <br />• within commercial/industrial nodes containing hospitals and major medical facilities <br />• separated from industrial areas <br />3. For the CL, Limited Commercial zoning district: <br />• areas that are easily accessed from residential areas <br />• between residential areas and general commercial areas or major roadways <br />• separated from industrial areas <br />• at node perimeters <br />4. For the CG, General Commercial zoning district: <br />• along arterial roads and major intersections <br />• separated from residential development <br />• separated from industrial areas <br />• near retail and office areas <br />5. For the CH, Heavy Commercial zoning district: <br />• along arterial roads <br />• along railroad tracks <br />• between general commercial and industrial areas <br />• separated from residential development <br />6. For the IL, Light Industrial zoning district: <br />• along arterial roads <br />• along railroad tracks <br />• near industrial areas <br />• separated from residential development <br />• separated from retail and office areas <br />7. For the IG, General Industrial zoning district: <br />• along arterial roads and major intersections <br />• along railroad tracks <br />• near industrial areas <br />• separated from residential development <br />• separated from retail and office areas <br />8. For single-family zoning districts: <br />• adjacent to other single-family areas <br />• separated from major commercial areas and industrial areas <br />9. For multiple -family zoning districts: <br />• adjacent to other multiple -family areas <br />• adjacent to employment centers <br />• along arterial and collector roads, particularly to buffer single-family areas <br />• adjacent to commercial uses, particularly to buffer single-family areas <br />• not abutting single-family areas on all sides <br />Additionally, the Board hereby adopts the following general criteria regarding the location of <br />residential zoning districts: <br />10. Where medium density residential lands abut low density residential land, the medium <br />density land may be zoned an intermediate density. <br />11. Residentially designated land that is located between higher density and lower density zoned <br />areas may be zoned an intermediate density even when the intermediate zoned area has a <br />land use designation that allows a higher density. <br />