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Policy 14.5: The county may utilize the small scale development amendment process, as described <br />in section 163.3187(1)(c)2., FS, only for Future Land Use Designation Amendment requests that <br />meet all of the following criteria: <br />• the applicant requests in writing that the proposed amendment be processed as a small scale <br />development amendment; <br />• the requirements of 163.3187(1)(c)2., FS, as amended, are satisfied; <br />• the subject property does not contain any environmentally sensitive land as defined in <br />Conservation Element Policy 5.4, or any environmentally important land as defined in <br />Conservation Element Policy 6.11; <br />• the subject property is located within the existing urban service area; <br />• the proposed amendment does not expand the existing urban service area; <br />• the proposed amendment does not expand the SR 60/58`h Avenue commercial/industrial <br />node; and <br />• the proposed amendment does not create a new commercial/industrial node. <br />