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Last modified
7/23/2015 8:53:26 AM
Creation date
6/8/2015 3:55:30 PM
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />i <br />The Texas Corporation <br />Standard oil Company <br />Gulf Refining Company <br />each and every bid being the price of 2je below the `.rank wagdn price. <br />On motion of Commissioner .Atkins Seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, it was ordered <br />that the bid of the Texas Corporation be accepted, and the chairman and Clerk instructed <br />to execute contract with such Company for and on behalf of this Board. <br />On motion made, seconded and carried,. Um. Frick was authorized to trade in <br />the Motorcycle -he is now using on a new one, it being understood that the old motor- <br />cycle be valued at $135.00 on the trade --the purchase price of the new one to be $398.00 <br />fully equipped. <br />Motion made by Com'r. Yonguea seconded by Commissioner Hamilton, itzw that Judge <br />Cobb be reimbursed $57.75 said sum being phone rental from January lst 1929 to December <br />1st 1929. Upon vote being taken it stood: lye: Com'rs. Yongue; Hamilton and LaBruce. <br />Nays: Atkin. The Clerk here gave notice he mould refuse to countersign a County war- <br />rant for such amount and for such purpose on the ground the Commissioners did not <br />authorize or instruct the installation of a phone in Judge Cobb's office; that the amount <br />is an obligation of an individual citizen, apparently already paid by such individual; <br />and further the telebhnne in question is not listed in the telephone directory as a <br />County phone, but listed as "Otis M. Cobb, Atty. Seminole Bldg". <br />ft motion of Com'r LaBruce that telephone in County Judge's office be discontinued <br />except for any County business and that bills be submitted for any County business each <br />month, which was seconded by Com' r. Atkin. Upon being putt to a vote the same stood: <br />Ayes: Com'rs. LaBruce and Atkin. Nays: Com'rs Hamilton, Yongue and Helseth. <br />Dan A. Moran, representing the IndianbRiver Farms Drainage District appeared re- <br />garding individual drainage and drainage over and through roads of the County. Ater <br />discussion it was ordered that the resolution preciously adopted be published. and in <br />the future all citizens be required to conform with instructions as outlined. <br />Motion made, seconded and carried that the proposal and contract of Asfalterra Co., <br />be accepted and the Chairman and Clerk directed and instructed to execute for and on <br />behalf of this Board a contract for the construction of roads in Special Road & Bridge <br />District No. 4. <br />On motion made, seconded and carried it was ordered the County Engineer secure <br />deed to road from forth quarter corner of Sec. 35 'Tp. 31 S.R.38 at the vlabasso-Fellsmere <br />road, run South on quarter section line to the South quarter of Sec. 2 Tp. 32 Rge 38, <br />and make estimate of cost of sonstruction of such road and report at next meeting of <br />the Board. <br />The following Road Committee report was received, read and filed: <br />ROAD COMKITTEE FORT: <br />We, the undersigned Committee appointed Aj Honorable Bodt on the third day of <br />December 1929, with instructions to view and mark out the best route for a'public road, <br />described in the petition as follows, to -wit: Commencing at a point Ten (10) feet North <br />of the "South-east corner of the Korth -east one-quarter of Section Thirty-one (31) Town- <br />ship Thirty-one (31) South, Range Thirty-nine (39) East; thence West parallel to the <br />East and west .center section line of said section to the Past bank of the Sebastian <br />Creek. Said roadmright-of-way to be fifty (50) feet in width, twenty-five feet on <br />either side of the above described center line, beg leave to report to your honors as <br />follows: That we, after first having subscribed to the oath required by law before <br />entering on our duties make this our general report: That we proceeded to the said pro- <br />posed location of the said public road upon the third day of December 1929, and viewed <br />
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