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in the course of the in conference with the individuals to <br />resolve the dispute may be made public or used as evidence in a <br />subsequent proceeding by either party without the written consent <br />of both the complainant and the offending party(ies). The <br />administrator or any employee of the administrator who shall make <br />public any information in violation of this provision shall be <br />deemed guilty of a violation of a County ordinance and shall be <br />subject to penalty as set forth in Section 11 of this ordinance. <br />(2) If the parties desire to conciliate, the terms of the <br />conciliation shall be in writing in the form approved by the <br />administrator and must be signed and verified by the complainant <br />and the offending party(les) and approved by the administrator. <br />The conciliation agreement is for conciliation purposes only and <br />does not constitute an admission by any party that the law has been <br />violated. <br />(3) If the administrator deems that there is not probable <br />cause to believe that a particular alleged discriminatory housing <br />practice has been committed, the administrator shall take no <br />further action with respect to the alleged offense. <br />(4) If the administrator, with respect to any matter which <br />involves a contravention of this ordinance. a. fails to conciliate <br />a complaint after the parties in good faith have attempted such <br />conciliation; or b. determines that the violation alleged in the <br />complaint cannot be resolved by conciliation, he shall notify both <br />the complainant and the offending party(les) within thirty (30) <br />days of the failure or the determination, and he shall proceed as <br />provided in Paragraph (3) of Section 5 hereinabove. <br />SECTION 8. ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. <br />The procedures prescribed by this ordinance do not constitute <br />an administrative prerequisite to another action or remedy <br />available under other law. Further, nothing in this ordinance <br />shall be deemed to modify, impair or otherwise affect any right or <br />remedy conferred by the Constitution or laws of the United States <br />or the State of Florida, and the provisions of this ordinance shall <br />be in addition to those provided by such other laws. <br />SECTION 9. EDUCATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION. <br />The administrator may conduct educational and public <br />informational activities that are designed to promote the policy of <br />this ordinance. <br />SECTION 10. UNTRUTHFUL COMPLAINTS OR TESTIMONY. <br />It shall be a violation of this ordinance for any person <br />knowingly and willfully to make false or untrue statements, <br />