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Section 302.06. ANIMAL CONTROL AUTHORITY; GENERAL POWERS.; agents— �r <br />enfereement of „rr„l_ te animals stat:at„ <br />S . <br />(A). There is hereby established an animal control authority to be <br />comprised of various officers, departments, agencies or individuals <br />uniquely or properly suited to serving a function or providing a service <br />required or authorized by this chapter. The —beard —e <br />eaeh eempenent. The county administrator or his designee shall designate <br />an individual to be known as the animal control director, who shall be <br />charged with the coordination and administration of all animal control <br />authority activities. <br />(B). Designation and duties of animal control authority component <br />entities. The Indian River County animal control authority shall be <br />comprised of the following designees: <br />(1) Animal control division. The animal control division shall be the <br />.. ................. _...................... _............ _..---._....................._._......_........_.._............_.._...._......._....__.._.._....._......._....._ ......— <br />primary provider of patrol, capture, and delivery services under the <br />chapter; initiation and prosecution of chapter violations; and <br />coordination of the communication among, and functions provided by, the <br />other components of the animal control authority. The animal control <br />division shall be represented by the animal control division director. <br />-(2), Director of em( <br />director shall report <br />The director of emer( <br />modify all decisions <br />appealed. <br />gency services. The animal <br />directly to the director of emergency services. <br />jency services shall review and affirm, deny, or <br />of the animal control division director that are <br />control division <br />(3), The Humane Society. The Humane Society shall serve as the primary <br />provider of the designated impoundment and housing facility; administer <br />all adoption services for animals impounded pursuant to this chapter; <br />and, pursuant to Florida Statutes section 828.03, investigate violations <br />of any of the provisions of this chapter or any other law of the state <br />for the purpose of protecting animals or preventing any act of cruelty <br />thereto, <br />