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• <br />ORDINANCE 2005-030 <br />1. Be located on private property; <br />2. Be of one architectural design; <br />3. Not exceed the height specified in the zoning district regulations; <br />4. Be constructed of essentially maintenance free materials; <br />5. Be constructed in accordance with county construction codes. <br />(B) At intersections. At street intersections, walls, fences, plants or sight obstructions of any <br />kind over two (2) feet in height are prohibited within the sight distance as provided by the <br />M.U.T.C.D. <br />(C). Wall Variation. There shall be variation in the design of subdivision walls along <br />roadways. <br />1. Variation shall be provided by use of one or more of the following design <br />criteria or other similar design measures approved in writing by the community <br />development director: <br />a. Using two color paint schemes. <br />b. Staggering the location of the wall. Straight wall length should not exceed <br />one hundred (100) feet and shall be interspersed with either decorative <br />metal fencing or opaque landscaping. The minimum dimension of the offset <br />in the wall shall be three (3) feet. <br />c. Accenting the wall with sections that include decorative fencing such as <br />aluminum pickets, or other typical fence styles. These sections where <br />decorative fencing is provided are to be no more than twenty (20) percent <br />opaque. <br />d. Reducing long straight walls by eliminating some wall sections and replacing <br />with berms and landscape plantings. <br />2. In residential subdivisions, walls may be used only in conjunction with Type <br />"A" and "B" buffers not less than twenty-five (25) feet in width. Plant reductions <br />are not permitted when using a wall as the required six (6) foot opaque feature. All <br />required shrub and understory plant material shall be located outside of (on the <br />street side of) the wall. <br />3. If the perimeter wall terminates on either side of a subdivision entrance without <br />additional offsets or jogs to form the entry feature or gated opening, the end of the <br />wall shall terminate at least 50' behind the back of curb of the subdivision entrance, <br />and the required landscape plantings shall wrap around the end of the wall. <br />4. Where walls are utilized, they shall be designed to include openings to allow for <br />wildlife passage. These openings are to be a minimum of sixteen (16) inches by <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 6 <br />Strike through: Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />C:\Documents and Settings\kmassung\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKF\2005- Chapters 911 913 and 915.rtf <br />