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a portion of the park towards meeting the adopted LOS standard of each local government. <br />Another way is to apply that park acreage towards meeting the adopted LOS standard of only <br />one local government. <br />3. Can the parks service population of a municipality include residents of the unincorporated <br />parts of the county and/or other municipalities? State law indicates that local governments <br />can coordinate to provide parkland. <br />In Indian River County, the county government and the Cities of Vero Beach, Sebastian, and <br />Fellsmere each own and maintain parks within their own jurisdictions, through their own Parks <br />Departments. In addition, the United States Government, the State of Florida, the Indian River <br />County School Board, and the private sector provide parks and/or recreational facilities that are used <br />by county residents. The county government, in addition to funding county parks and facilities, also <br />contributes financially towards the capital and operating costs of parks in each of the referenced <br />municipalities. <br />Parkland LOS standards are based on the number of acres of parkland per 1,000 persons. For LOS <br />standards, functional population (resident population + seasonal population) is used. <br />To effectively plan for the county's future parks and recreational facility needs and to ensure that the <br />county's adopted LOS standard is met, the county should take the following steps: Develop undertake <br />a countywide needs analysis. Then, if needed, the county should revise the county's parkland and <br />recreational facilities LOS standards. <br />The needs analysis should consider several factors, including the following: <br />• current use of facilities; <br />• demographic analysis and a generalized needs survey to determine the types of parks and <br />facilities needed; <br />• the park type (community, neighborhood, specialty, etc.) mix; <br />• the effectiveness of the existing park district boundaries; <br />• national standards; and <br />• unique local conditions. <br />To determine park acreage location needs, the analysis should also consider park district population <br />projections, and average travel time to use a particular park. Demographic information, such as age <br />group information, should be used to determine recreation facility and park type needs; <br />Establish an "interim" countywide parkland LOS standard. Prior to completion of the needs analysis, <br />Page 40 of the Recreation and Open Space Element <br />Supplement # Ordinance # 2005 <br />Adopted 2005 <br />In 2005, an <br />Exhibit A <br />