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parks for which LOS standards are set are left to the discretion of the local government. Therefore, <br />Indian River County has the option of consolidating beach, river, and lake park acreage with other <br />park categories, rather than adopting a separate LOS standard for beach, river and lake parks. <br />Parkland Needs/Surpluses <br />Figure 10.5 depicts the service areas for county neighborhood, community, and urban district parks. <br />Those service areas were derived from national standards and modified to reflect general <br />characteristics of the county. The map shows that most of the unincorporated urban areas of the <br />county are within the service area of a community park. There are is, however, two one exceptions. <br />The first is the Vero Lake Estates area in the north part of the county, near I 95. The other That <br />exception is the area located near or along the. SR 60 corridor between 43rd Avenue and 1-95. Beth <br />of those areas have This area has experienced faster than anticipated growth since plan adoption. <br />According to the data compiled as part of the 2005 impact fee study, there is sufficient parkland to <br />accommodate the current population for the unincorporated county at a level of service standard of <br />6.61 acres of parkland per 1,000 permanent population plus weighted seasonal population. As impact <br />fees are collected and the county's population grows, new parkland and recreation facilities must be <br />provided to meet future park and recreation needs. <br />A possible solution to the parkland needs problem in the area of Vero Lakes Estates involves <br />Program, purchased an approximately 7,100 acre tract known as the Coraci/Sebastian Creek Property. <br />Approximately 2,100 of those acres are located in southern Brevard County, while approximately <br />5,000 of those acres are in the north part of Indian River County. Although most of the <br />located on the north side of CR 512, across from Vero Lake Estates. <br />• <br />• <br />South County, Unincorporated <br />in the south district, particularly along the SR 60 Corridor. The following information was used to calculate the future <br />1. Projected functional population for the unincorporated parts of the south district in 2020: 84,820 <br />2. LOS Standard: 4 acres/1,000 pcople <br />3. South district park acreage needed to moot LOS standard in 2020: 340 <br />d. Existing south district park acreage: 234 <br />Page 42 of the Recreation and Open Space Element <br />Supplement # Ordinance # 2005 <br />Adopted 2005 <br />Exhibit A <br />