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MEMORANDUM to Board of County Commissioners <br />September 13, 1973 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Miller then launched an attack on the City Council <br />and the next hour or so was consumed with arguments .and .accusa- <br />tions between Vero Beach and Indian River Shores with the County <br />sitting on the side lines. Finally E. P. A stepped in and stated <br />E. P. A. backs the regional concept; it decides what degree of <br />treatment is needed and what the most cost effective system would <br />be. These basic decisions had lead to E. P. A. 's approval of the <br />SES 17 1973 <br />interim plan (Regional concept - one Vero Beach plant.- one <br />County plant) and the initial approval of Vero Beach's grant. <br />E. P. A. got all parties to agree that Indian River Shores. <br />should be in the County's area and not in the City's area. The <br />City stated it could justify the full amount of its grant without <br />Indi River Indian R Shores Several neral very pointed questions were asked <br />E. P. A. by the County and the City: <br />1. If Indian River Shores is taken out of the City's area <br />a. Can Vero Beach still get its full grant? <br />F <br />1 <br />E. 1', A. Answer: Yes, if it can justify it. <br /># b. Can Indian River Shoresget a grant? <br />r <br />E. P. A. Answer: Not likely but if the County and Indian <br />River Shores present a suitable plan showing the County <br />.. <br />€ eventually taking over the plant, there might be some <br />i possibility of a small grant. <br />c. Could Indian River County get a grant <br />later to expand Indian River Shores plant? <br />E. }'. A. Answer.: E. P. A. would look at the situation at <br />y <br />that bine. <br />' <br />2. Will E. 13. A. force the City to serve suburban areas <br />in the County if the City gets grant? <br />_ - E. P. A. Answer: Yes <br />_ <br />a. ,if the City gets the grant and later reneges, would the <br />-2- <br />SES 17 1973 <br />