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ORDINANCE 2008- 011 <br />comprehensive plan and the programming of capital improvements, including public school facilities. <br />(Ord. No. 90-16, § 1, 9-11-90) <br />SECTION #2: <br />Amend "Development review system" LDR Sub -Section 910.07(3), (4), and (5), to read as follows: <br />(3) The designation of a single agency for coordinating each level of the concurrency review process <br />is necessary to ensure that every concurrency application is reviewed in accordance with these regulations prior <br />to the issuance of a development order. The community development department shall be the coordinating <br />agency for the concurrency review process and shall be responsible for coordinating the review of the <br />development applications identified in section 910.07(1) and for approving or rejecting concurrency <br />determinations. The community development director shall initiate the review process by review of an <br />application for completeness and data sufficiency within three (3) days of receipt of the application. A copy of <br />the complete application will then be forwarded to the evaluating departments and the school district <br />aencie <br />gs <br />Upon submission, each concurrency application will be placed in a queue Each application will then be <br />evaluated in the order in which it was received. As each application is evaluated, the demand reflected by that <br />application will be compared to the available capacity for each facility, as described in sections 910.08, 910.09 <br />and 910.11. As demand is allocated by approving applications, available capacity will be reduced. <br />If any facility has insufficient capacity to accommodate a proposed application, the following will occur: <br />(a) If the applicant has indicated on his concurrency application that he would accept less capacity <br />than requested if available capacity is inadequate to accommodate his demand, then he will be <br />allocated the remaining available capacity, and the concurrency certificate will be conditioned on <br />a comparable reduction in project size. <br />(b) If the applicant has indicated on his concurrency application that he would not accept less <br />capacity than requested if available capacity is inadequate to accommodate his demand, then his <br />application request will be denied. <br />An applicant may have the option to apply for proportionate fair -share mitigation for <br />transportation facilities or public school facilities. Regulations for proportionate fair -share <br />mitigation for transportation facilities are provided in section 910.12, below. Regulations for <br />proportionate fair -share mitigation for public school facilities are provided in section 910.13, <br />below. <br />(4) The following departments and school district shall be responsible for evaluating the adequacy <br />of existing and planned facilities with regard to concurrency applications: <br />(a) The utilities department shall evaluate solid waste levels of service; <br />(b) The public works department shall evaluate roadway levels of service; <br />(c) The public works department shall evaluate drainage levels of service; <br />(d) The utilities department shall evaluate potable water levels of service; <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance <br />&tfilee-tlfeeglt Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2008\2008- <br />School Concurrencychanges.doc <br />2 <br />