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ORDINANCE 2008- 011 <br />c. Location of the proposed development and identification of facilities <br />impacted by development pursuant to the provisions of section 910.11 of <br />these regulations; <br />d. Identification of project phasing, where applicable; <br />e. Traffic impact analysis, or traffic impact statement if required; <br />f. Copy of proposed or executed developer's agreement to provide additional <br />capacity for a facility, if applicable; <br />g. Statement from applicant indicating whether a concurrency certificate will <br />be accepted for less density or intensity than requested, if insufficient <br />capacity is available; and <br />h. Other documents and information as required by the evaluating or <br />coordinating agencies. <br />2. All applications for final concurrency determination shall be submitted on a form <br />provided by the community development department and shall include a copy of a <br />valid initial concurrency determination certificate. Final concurrency <br />determination applications for single-family residential units shall not be required <br />to submit evidence of a valid initial concurrency certificate. Pursuant to section <br />910.08(1) if all conditions pertaining to the approval of the initial concurrency <br />determination certificate remain the same, issuance of a final concurrency <br />determination will be automatic. <br />(b) Concurrency data base. <br />1. The county shall develop and maintain an inventory of existing land uses and <br />projected land uses, based upon concurrency determination certificate approvals, <br />in order to monitor the impact of concurrency determination certificate approvals <br />on the availability of public facilities. These data will be updated regularly and <br />will be designed to provide incremental data pertaining to existing, approved, and <br />planned development. The concurrency data base will provide the following <br />information: <br />a. Existing supply for each facility or service; <br />b. Committed supply for each facility or service; <br />Existing demand by facility or service; <br />Committed demand by facility or service; <br />e. Duration of time for which a capacity is committed; and <br />Bold Underline. Additions to Ordinance <br />c. <br />Strike-ghe Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\ Users \CurDev\ORDINANCE \2008\2008 - <br />School Concurrencychanges.doc <br />7 <br />