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2008- 002 <br />(d) All conditions or stipulations regarding the timing or phasing of the development or <br />the provision of facility improvement by either the developer or the county imposed on <br />the previously approved development order have been satisfied. <br />(2) In order to ensure that the capacity of various public facilities is available concurrent with <br />the impact of the proposed development, the review of all concurrency applications shall be <br />based upon the following criteria: <br />(a) Conditional concurrency determination. A conditional concurrency certificate is a <br />determination that sufficient capacity to accommodate a given development proposal <br />is available at the time of the determination. A conditional concurrency certificate <br />shall be issued prior to approval of the following types of development orders: <br />• Comprehensive plan land use amendments <br />• Rezonings <br />• Conceptual plans <br />• Preliminary plats and preliminary PD plans <br />• Site plans <br />A conditional concurrency certificate will indicate that the facilities and services are <br />available at the time of issuance of the conditional concurrency certificate but may <br />not be available at the time of any subsequent concurrency review. Issuance of a <br />conditional concurrency certificate shall not be construed to guarantee the <br />availability of adequate facilities at the time of building permit applications or land <br />development permit applications. <br />1. A conditional concurrency certificate issued in conjunction with the review of a <br />proposed development order type specified above shall be considered valid for <br />purposes of approving the associated development order. <br />2. A conditional concurrency certificate may be issued with a condition identifying <br />off-site improvements necessary to meet an adopted level of service and the cost - <br />feasible mechanism for implementing the necessary improvements. <br />3. Prior to issuance of a conditional concurrency certificate, the applicant shall sign <br />an agreement with the county indicating that the applicant understands that the <br />conditional concurrency certificate does not guarantee the availability of facilities <br />at the time of the final concurrency review. The county will not reserve capacity <br />and will not be liable if capacity is not available in the later stages of the review <br />process. <br />4. Where the proposed project is a non -PD (planned development) rezoning or <br />comprehensive plan amendment, the concurrency impact assessment will be <br />based on the following criteria: <br />Bold Underline: Additions to Ordinance 6 <br />Str'+1e-thr-eught Deleted Text from Existing Ordinance <br />F:\Community Development\Users\CurDev\ORDINANCE\2008\2008- 910 (1-8-08BCC).RTF <br />