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Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element <br />permits, traffic impact fees and others. Due to the number of agreements, only the more important <br />ones affecting land use and the provision of services are identified in attachment 1. <br />The county and the City of Vero Beach are the two entities providing regional sanitary sewer service <br />and potable water service. In cooperation, they provide these services for their jurisdiction, for other <br />jurisdictions as the location demands, and for the rest of the county. For example, the City of Vero <br />Beach provides water and sewer services for the south portion of the barrier island, which is part of <br />the unincorporated county, for the City of Indian River Shores, and for portions of the county on the <br />mainland. The county provides these services to the City of Sebastian, and the Town of Orchid. <br />There are several existing committees within the county which have representatives from the county <br />and the municipalities. These are the Parks and Recreation Committee, the Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization, the Economic Development Council, the Marine Advisory Narrows Watershed Action <br />Committee, the Beach and Shores Restoration Committee, the Affordable Housing Advisory <br />Committee, the Land Acquisition Advisory Committee; the School Planning Technical Advisory <br />Cotninittee-and the Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board. These committees <br />address issues that are countywide in scope. Generally, these committees are chaired by one of the <br />county commissioners and facilitate intergovernmental coordination at an elected officials level. <br />Whenever needed, staff provides appropriate information to these committees. As needed, the <br />county commission holds joint meetings with the city/town councils to discuss issues and make <br />decisions about issues involving multi jurisdictional matters. <br />At the staff level, there is coordination between county staff and the municipalities' staffs. One <br />informal staff committee is the Comprehensive Plan Technical Advisory Committee, consisting of <br />planning representatives from all municipalities. This committee reviews comprehensive plan <br />elements of each jurisdiction for consistency, shares data and information, makes decisions <br />concerning countywide issues, and takes suggestions to elected officials for final decision and action. <br />St. Johns River Water Management District <br />SJRWMD regulates and permits drainage systems, and issues consumptive use permits for water. <br />The SJRWMD is responsible for the management and storage of surface water and groundwater in <br />Indian River County and all or part of 18 other Florida counties. The boundaries of the SJRWMD <br />are shown in Figure 11.4. <br />Florida Department of Transportation <br />The county's transportation system is coordinated with other agencies in several ways. Countywide <br />transportation planning is coordinated by the Indian River County Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization (MPO), which maintains agreements for transportation planning with FDOT, the <br />county, and all municipalities in the county. As an agency implementing roadway improvements, <br />transit services, and facilities for other transportation modes, Indian River County maintains various <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 5 <br />