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Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element <br />Local Water Control Districts <br />These are special drainage districts established under Chapter 298 of Florida Statutes. They have <br />power to collect taxes for the operation and maintenance of drainage facilities. The boundaries of <br />these drainage districts are identified in Figure 11.1. The Drainage Sub -Element discusses the <br />detailed function of each of these drainage districts. <br />Indian River County Fire Districts <br />These two districts are responsible for the emergency responses to their respective districts as <br />mapped on Figure 11.2. The service areas for the individual fire/rescue stations and their future <br />locations are discussed in the Future Land Use Element, <br />School District of IRC <br />The School DistrictBeaf of Indian River County is responsible for public education in the entire <br />county. To fulfill that responsibility. the School District must occasionally site and construct neW <br />schools throughuut the County_ In So coi_m,),__-the `school District must ct>-ivi with local <br />comprehensi� e plans. Because school sitinL al lects bot the Sebe„ l Dist-iet a,,a land use planningin <br />the CountN. the The location criteria of s,.i,eels and future expa si arcis discussed in the <br />Future Land Use Element. inter -a etions between <br />the ,,,,, my ,,n the sehoel � oar-,� pr -i ,,,,fill ,elate to <br />1.3.3 LVI kVLIVIIJ VVL�i R: <br />�eq,14emen4s and in the past have not been subjeet to all site plan r-equifements, <br />Regarding land use and density, the county's decisions have a significant effect on the number and <br />location of schools needed. In order for the Seheel Bea school district to efficiently and <br />realistically plan for future schools, coordination with the county is essential. In the past, <br />coordination with the Se1}ool Beafdschool district haste was primarily at the staff level where <br />information and data have-been—were exchanged.Subseclucntly. _aschool <br />district/county committee was also established to review proposed school construction projects. -The <br />seheel board faeilities are exempt from eettat�r building eod 4s and in the past ha-ve net. <br />been subjeet to all site plan feEit;fements. This committee "s principalrole was to review and <br />reprove site plans for nek.Nv school facilities... <br />Municipalities of Indian River County <br />There are five municipalities in the county. Their locations are shown on Figure 11.3. The county <br />and these municipalities have a good understanding of the need for coordination. Generally, they <br />work effectively and cooperatively together. As shown on attachment 1, there are many agreements <br />between the county and municipalities. A number of these agreements also involve a third party. <br />These agreements cover such issues as water and sewer service, recreation, fire protection, building <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 4 <br />