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Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element <br />The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (TCRPC) was created in October, 1976, through an <br />interlocal agreement pursuant to Chapter 163.0 1, Florida Statutes. The Council's principal goal is to <br />ensure that future growth within the Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, and Palm Beach County Region <br />occurs in a manner consistent with state and regional planning objectives and that a high quality of <br />life will be achieved for all the region's citizens. Toward accomplishing this goal, the Treasure Coast <br />Regional Planning Council maintains a forum for identifying, as well as promoting, public <br />understanding of local and regional issues and problems. To promote the implementation of plans <br />and programs which address regional issues and problems, the council acts as a regional information <br />clearinghouse and intergovernmental data source, conducts research for the purpose of developing <br />and maintaining regional goals, objectives, and policies, and assists in the implementation of a <br />number of local, state, and federal programs. <br />To guide the Council's policy decisions, a strategic Regional Policy Plan was developed pursuant to <br />the requirements of Chapter 186, Florida Statutes and Chapter 27E4, Florida Administrative Code. <br />The strategic Regional Policy Plan forms the basis for all council decisions, including local <br />comprehensive plan reviews. Goals, objectives and policies of local plans must be consistent with <br />the goals, objectives and policies of the regional policy plan. <br />Quad -County Council of Governments <br />The Quad -County Council of Governments is an organization of elected officials from Indian River, <br />Martin, St. Lucie, and Okeechobee counties, and several municipalities therein. Although only a few <br />years old, the council has proven to be effective in addressing issues of regional concern. The <br />council has no staff, but works through a committee system to study issues and bring them to the <br />attention of state government for assistance. The council has thus far addressed such issues as beach <br />erosion, regional utilities, resource recovery, transportation, and liability insurance. <br />Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program (IRLNEP)/SJRWMD Indian River Lagoon <br />Program <br />The IRLNEP was established in 1991 as a five year program with the purpose of building a <br />consensus and coordinating the efforts of federal, state, regional, and local government agencies. <br />The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (COMP) was completed, and adopted in <br />September 1996. The CCMP addresses the issues affecting the Indian River Lagoon, efforts that <br />should be taken to promote restoration, entities responsible for initiating restoration efforts, and <br />possible funding sources. <br />The IRLNEP has indicated that Indian River County should address the following issues affecting <br />the Indian River Lagoon related to stormwater management: <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 15 <br />