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Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element <br />ANALYSIS <br />In planning for growth, the county has to coordinate with a number of other governments or <br />government agencies which affect land development in Indian River County. Because of the number <br />of governments and governmental agencies, extensive coordination is required. <br />Despite the effort required, the county has a good working relationship with all local and state <br />entities. As part of its intergovernmental coordination efforts, the county is coordinating with the <br />municipalities within the county on various issues, including provision of services, interjurisdictional <br />development impacts, and notification of affected jurisdictions regarding proposed rezoning and land <br />use amendment actions. For most of those issues, however, there is no formal coordination <br />mechanism, and there is no formal dispute resolution process. <br />Overall, intergovernmental coordination involves several different activities. These are: <br />communication, identification of interjurisdictional impacts, mitigation of impacts, resolution of <br />disputes, cooperative or joint activities, and others. Not all of these activities apply in every <br />intergovernmental relationship. <br />Communication <br />At the local level, communication with municipalities and other local entities is good. Some of this <br />communication occurs through existing county committees which meet on a regular basis, have a set <br />structure, and maintain minutes. Other communication, however, is informal with no set <br />mechanism. <br />Locally, county staff currently notifies appropriate municipal staff whenever a development project is <br />proposed close to a municipal boundary. Municipalities sometimes notify county staff of proposed <br />projects within their jurisdictions which could impact the county. Currently, notification of local <br />governments is not formally required either by the county or adjacent municipalities. If each local <br />government were required to inform adjacent governments of proposed projects, intergovernmental <br />coordination could be enhanced. <br />Communication with some state agencies seems to be an issue. Local government is not always kept <br />apprised of changes in rules and regulations. This sometimes results in lack of a clear understanding <br />of state regulations for both applicants and the county. Some of the issues related to general <br />coordination with state agencies are summarized below: <br />Number of agencies with which the county must coordinate <br />Lack of communication between various offices of the state agency <br />Duplication of efforts <br />In some cases, lack of clear written guidelines <br />- In some cases, lack of formal procedures or agreements and lack of clear understanding of all <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 22 <br />