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Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element <br />responsibilities <br />In some cases, a delay in informing local governments of recent changes in regulations and <br />criteria <br />Interiurisdictional Impacts <br />Although h t1he county has many written intergovernmental coordination agreements with <br />municipalities and other entities (see attachment 1)3_ Included among those agreements is an <br />Interlocal AjZreement (ILA) for Coordinated School Planning and School Concurrency and an impact <br />fee interlocal agreement. <br />With execution of' the Interlocal A(Ureement for Coordinated Planning and School Concurrcncv <br />betwecn the Countt'. the School Board, the <'itv ofFellsinere, the City of Sebastian. t17e City of Vero <br />Beacli aid tli _I'own of 1_ndian. River ,'pores, lss for iinplementing,5clipol coiicurren_c.y was <br />establ ished. The ILA establishes the school concurrency process for coordinated planning) of school <br />facilities, outlines the responsibilities of all partes. and provides mechanisms for monitorin« and <br />dispute resolution. <br />tThere are no formal agreements with municipalities on planning related issues such as maintaining <br />established non -school level of service standards, addressing extra jurisdictional development <br />impacts, providing up front coordination on land use amendments and rezonings, and establishing a <br />dispute resolution process. Formal intergovernmental coordination agreements could clearly identify <br />issues, responsibilities, and important resources and facilities; define significant extra jurisdictional <br />impacts; establish quantitative, qualitative, and locational criteria to measure significant impacts; <br />develop measures to mitigate impacts; and establish a formal process to resolve disputes if an issue <br />arises. <br />There are advantages and disadvantages to having a formal intergovernmental coordination process. <br />It would be easier and less time consuming if each local government could approve all development <br />projects, rezoning requests, and land use amendments within its jurisdiction without considering <br />extra jurisdictional impacts and without coordination with other jurisdictions. Since actions of one <br />local government often affect other governments, however, it is important for local governments to <br />coordinate with one another to ensure that one jurisdiction does not negatively affect another. <br />Coordination could be done informally on a case by case basis; however, this type of coordination is <br />highly subjective and largely depends on the people doing the coordination. At this time, most staff <br />level coordination efforts are done informally. <br />On the other hand, a formal intergovernmental coordination process which clearly defines what <br />issues should be considered; which resources and facilities must be protected; which jurisdiction has <br />the responsibility to notify others of development projects or land use amendment requests; which <br />jurisdiction has review responsibility; and to what extent the comments must be addressed would be <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 23 <br />