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Comprehensive Plan Public School Facilities Element <br />Table 12.12: Public School Student Enrollment <br />entary Schools <br />le Schools <br />Schools <br />otal <br />T <br />Student Population from 2007 through 2013 <br />School <br />The data used to forecast student population were obtained from the FDOE. Since the <br />1998/99 school year, five charter schools have been established: in the county. These are <br />Sebastian Charter Junior High, North County Charter, St. Peter's Academy, Indian River <br />Academy, and Indian River Charter High School. As a result of the addition of these <br />schools, the FDOE enrollment data for the School District showed an estimated average <br />of 555 fewer students per year. When these students were accounted for in the School <br />District's enrollment projections, the number of students in the appropriate grades and <br />years were adjusted through the use of the enrollment ratios developed for this P11blic <br />school forecast4,.,...,,1,1: ��" 1 . <br />This process specified a regression model for each grade level as follows: <br />Students grade x, year — Const. + A * Studentsgradex-1, year 1-1 +,82 * population growth <br />This regression model specifies ro'ects student population in a given year as a function <br />of unobservable factors (captured by the constant term), cohort survival (the number and <br />percentage of students advancing in grade), and a percentage of population growth. <br />Changes in any of these trends from one year to the next can have a significant impact on <br />the number of students ultimately enrolled. For example, the high school driver's license <br />law change in 1997 resulted in fewer high school dropouts statewide in 1999 and 2000. <br />Similarly, increases in population growth and changing development patterns can result <br />in more students than the cohort survival method may predict. <br />This regression model was refined and adjusted on a grade -by -grade basis to build the <br />student forecast models with the highest degree of predictability. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />20 <br />