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Comprehensive Plan Public School Facilities Element <br />INTRODUCTION <br />Public schools are critical components to the well-being and future of a community. Because <br />of the importance of the public school system and its impact on the future of Indian River <br />County, coordinated school planning among the County, the School District and the <br />municipalities within the County is critical to ensure that public school capacity needs are <br />met. <br />Residential development is a primary factor associated with the growth of the public school <br />system. Because of the relationship between residential development and the provision of <br />public schools, the Public School Facilities Element (PSFE) focuses on coordinated planning <br />among the School District, County and local governments to accommodate future student <br />growth needs in the public school system. This element establishes public school system <br />concurrency requirements, including a level of service standard for public schools and <br />procedures for establishing a concurrency management system. <br />Within Indian River County, the local governments participating in school concurrency are <br />Indian River County, the City of Vero Beach, the City of Sebastian, the City of Fellsmere, <br />and the Town of Indian River Shores. The fifth municipality in the County, the Town of <br />Orchid, is exempt from school concurrency based on the criteria contained in <br />163.3177(12)(b), F.S. At the time of its comprehensive plan's evaluation and appraisal <br />report, the Town of Orchid must determine if it continues to meet the criteria as an exempt <br />municipality. <br />Once implemented, school concurrency will ensure that the public school facilities necessary <br />to maintain the adopted level of service for schools are in place before or concurrent with the <br />school impacts of new residential development. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />1 <br />