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Comprehensive Plan Public School Facilities Element <br />BACKGROUND <br />In 2005, the Florida Legislature amended s.163.3180, F.S., and mandated the implementation <br />of public school concurrency. That legislation requires that each local government adopt a <br />Public School Facilities Element (PSFE) as part of its Comprehensive Plan and amend its <br />Capital Improvements Element and Intergovernmental Coordination Element. The PSFE <br />must address school level of service; school utilization; school proximity and compatibility <br />with residential development; availability of public infrastructure; co -location opportunities; <br />and financial feasibility. <br />As mandated by Rule 9J-5-025 F.A.C., the PSFE must contain the following: <br />• Existing school facility deficiencies and school facilities required to meet future <br />needs; <br />• School level of service standards; <br />• A financially feasible five-year schedule of school -related capital improvements that <br />ensures adequate school capacity is available to maintain the adopted level of service; <br />• Provisions to ensure that school facilities are located consistent with the existing and <br />proposed residential areas they serve; that schools be used as community focal points, <br />and that schools be co -located with other public facilities; <br />• Maps depicting existing school sites, areas of anticipated future school sites, ancillary <br />facilities, and School Service Area Boundaries (SSABSSAs); and <br />• Goals, objectives, and policies for planning and school concurrency. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County <br />2 <br />