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M <br />7 <br />0 <br />A G R E E M E N T <br />This,4greement is entered into on this 21st day of August t ; <br />• 3- • <br />197A, byand between the Florida Department /off Commerce,_ hereinafter } <br />referred . to as the program agent and-LEZ ✓ 4,- h e'`s"" referred <br />t <br />to as they subgrantee. Now, therefore, in consideration of the <br />premises and of the mutual covenants herein contained,.it is hereby <br />agreed by and between the Program Agent and Subgrantee as follows:'"` <br />1. The term of the agreement is from the date of execution as <br />i <br />set -forth above until 4.w e , 197 S . <br />2. The awarding of grants and assistance to the Subgrantee is <br />contingent upon and subject to the availability of such resources to <br />the Program Agent from.the United States Department of Labor. <br />I. The Subgrantee shall plan and conduct its program in accordance <br />-with the regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Labor for the <br />Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (PL93-203). In particular,' <br />the Subgrantee hereby warrants that its Public Service Employment <br />Program as described in the Subgrantee's letter of. application and <br />as approved by the Program Agent will be conducted as required by <br />the Federal Register, Title 29, Subtitle A, Part 96 -Subpart C, a <br />COPY of which is attached to this agreement and•incorporated by <br />reference, being made a part•of this agreement as though set forth <br />"fully herein. <br />•4. The Subgrantee shall utilize funds awarded under this agree- <br />ment_to_employ qualified.and-eligible residents -of the -political <br />- - - subdivision to which the subgrant is made. To the extent possible, <br />the Subgrantee shall use 100% of such funds for purposes of salaries <br />and participant benefits, for persons employed under this program. <br />However, up to 5% of the total grant may be used for administrative <br />costs. •- <br />Book <br />P 111974 <br />