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BYLAWS OF THE <br />TREASURE COAST COUNCIL OF <br />LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, INC. <br />WIRDk1► 100 <br />The Treasure Coast Council of Local Governments, Inc. (hereinafter <br />"TCCLG") is created by Resolution as a not for profit corporation established <br />by agreement among its members pursuant to Section 163.02, Florida <br />Statutes. The TCCLG is organized to establish a forum for discussion and <br />study of area problems of mutual interest and concern to the cities, towns <br />and counties of the Treasure Coast area. <br />ARTICLE I. PURPOSES <br />The purposes of the TCCLG shall be to study such area governmental <br />problems as it deems appropriate, including but not limited to matters <br />affecting health, safety, welfare, education, economic conditions, and area <br />development; promote cooperative arrangements and coordinate action <br />among its members; and make recommendations for review and action to the <br />members and other public agencies that perform local functions and services <br />within the area. <br />ARTICLE II. FUNCTIONS <br />The functions of the TCCLG shall include: <br />A. . Review of Governmental Proposals. The review of proposals for <br />the Treasure Coast area as defined herein or regional governmental units or <br />agencies within the said area and the making of appropriate policy or action <br />recommendations. <br />