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B. Studv of Treasure Coast Area Problems. The identification and <br />study ofproblems, functions, and services, in the Treasure Coast area as <br />defined herein, and the making of appropriate policy or action <br />recommendations. <br />C. Studv of Problems Affecting' Treasure Coast Area. The <br />identification and study of any action arising outside of the Treasure Coast <br />area which, in the opinion of the TCCLG, will have a substantial effect on the <br />Treasure Coast area, and the making of appropriate policy or action <br />recommendations in regard to such outside action. <br />D. Other Functions. Such other municipal or regional functions as the <br />Council shall deem appropriate for the Treasure Coast Council of Local <br />Governments. <br />ARTICLE III. DEFINITIONS <br />A. Treasure .Coast Area. For the purposes of the TCCLG, the Treasure <br />Coast area shall be defined as the area including Indian River, Martin, St. <br />Lucie, and Okeechobee Counties. <br />B. Treasure Coast Area. Problem. A Treasure Coast area problem <br />must be of mutual interest of two (2) or more members of the TCCLG and be <br />of concern with the public health, safety, welfare, education, economic <br />conditions, or development of the Treasure Coast. <br />C. Official Representative. Official. Representative means the <br />appointed representative of .each respective member of the General Assembly <br />making up the TCCLG pursuant to these By-laws, the Articles of <br />Incorporation and the Joint Resolution executed by the member government <br />and accepted by the Council. <br />2 <br />