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Town of Jupiter Island <br />Town of Sewall.'s Point <br />3. Powers. The Council shall have the authority and power to <br />perform those tasks and make those decisions necessary for the daily <br />operation of the TCCLG. <br />4. Membership Criteria. Membership for the Council and the <br />General Assembly shall .be contingent upon the following: <br />a. Approval by the governing body of the applicant of a <br />resolution accepting the terms and conditions of the Articles of <br />Incorporation and these By-laws. <br />b. Payment of the membership fee, as established from time to <br />time by the. Council. <br />c. Membership with either the Florida Association of Counties or <br />the Florida League of Cities. <br />d. Approval by the Council of the TCCLG. <br />e. By accepting membership, the applicant agrees to pay any <br />and all annual or special assessments which the TCCLG may <br />establish from time to time. <br />4. Reinstatement. Any local governing body which withdraws from <br />membership may have.its=membership reinstated by paying all <br />.assessments owed by it as established -by these By-laws. <br />B. Meetings. <br />1. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Council shall be <br />held as determined by the Chairman. All members of the Council, or a <br />designee, shall attend the regular meetings of the TCCLG. The time <br />4 <br />