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notice. If the official representative is unable to attend the <br />special meeting, the official representative may select an <br />alternate from his governmental body to attend in his place. <br />Only those subjects appearing on the special agenda maybe <br />discussed at that called meeting. The date, time, and location of <br />the special meetings shall be determined by the Chairman. <br />3. Attendance. If the official representative is unable to attend any <br />meeting, the official representative shall select an alternate from his <br />governmental body to attend- in his place. The orderly function of the <br />TCCLG depends on the regular attendance of its membership at all <br />regularly scheduled meetings. Therefore, to ensure the timely order of <br />business, the member local government will be notified if their <br />representative is absent from two (2) consecutive regular meetings. <br />Upon a third missed meeting, the member local government will be <br />asked to provide a replacement. <br />ARTICLE V. VOTING <br />A. Voting Rights. The. overall intent of the TCCLG is that issues of <br />concern should be fully discussed by respective representatives. For <br />actual votes, each local government, through their official representative, <br />shall have one vote; and such representative shall have the obligation of <br />keeping their jurisdiction informed of decisions of the TCCLG where <br />appropriate. <br />B. Quorum: The -presence of a majority of the Council shall be necessary <br />at any general or special meeting to constitute a quorum to transact business. <br />