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RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 020 <br />A RESOLUTION OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXCHANGE OF COUNTY PROPERTY. <br />2/2001(reso.exchng.)Ok <br />WHEREAS, Indian River County is the owner of a parcel of land on the north side of 5th Street <br />SW, west -of 43rd Avenue, shown on the attached Exhibit "D", which is a portion of the parcel legally <br />described on the attached deed recorded at ORB 61, Pages 119 and 120; and <br />WHEREAS, the adjacent land owner has a parcel of land immediately east of the County parcel, <br />shown on the attached Exhibit "B", which is a portion of the parcel legally described on the attached deed <br />recorded at ORB 979, Page 0045; and <br />WHEREAS, it would be in the mutual benefit of both the County and the land owner to exchange <br />title to the parcels shown as Exhibits "B" and "D" to facilitate the proposed improvements to 5th Street SW; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Section 125.37, Florida Statutes, allows such an exchange of County land when it is <br />in the public interest and after notice has been published once a week for two weeks; and <br />WHEREAS, notice of this proposed exchange was published twice in the Vero Beach Press <br />Journal, once on Monday, February 5, 2001, and again on Monday, February 12, 2001. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that: <br />1. The County is authorized to effect the exchange of the parcels as described in this resolution. <br />2. The Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute a County Deed for the County -owned parcel. <br />The resolution was moved for adoption by Commissioner Ti i n , and the motion was <br />seconded by Commissioner.Adams , and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: <br />Chairman Caroline D. Ginn <br />Aye <br />Vice Chairman Ruth Stanbridge <br />Absent <br />Commissioner Kenneth R. Macht <br />Aye <br />Commissioner John W. Tippin <br />Aye <br />Commissioner Fran B. Adams <br />Aye <br />The Chairman t4greupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 20th day of <br />February, 2001. <br />' BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Attest: J. K. f�artorr; C1 <br />f - <br />Deputy- Cle'r ' <br />p Y <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />By <br />Caroline D. Ginn, C firman <br />Attachments: Exhibits 'B" and "D'; County Deed, and Property Owner's Deed <br />