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M - <br />v's Movil;g & Stora-goi Inc. <br />Beach, Florida 32960 305/562-2192 or 562-9153 <br />Pp 0, Box 2?91 <br />July 299 1976 <br />Indian River County Commissioners <br />Nr. W.W. Siebert, Chairman <br />Indian River Co. Courthouse <br />Vero Beach, Fla. <br />Dear Mr, Siebert, . <br />Recentiy the Cour_ty Commission ordered the Ambersand j <br />Public Park, on the riverside closed. It is very tightly <br />barricaded at -this time. _ <br />I am^protesting the closing of this public facility. We <br />own a lot about 5 lots north of this public park. The general <br />public is using the privately owned property in the area <br />for access to the river in lieu of the public facility. <br />We have -posted our entrance to the river and the public <br />distroy our signs and there is trash and beer cans strewed <br />on our.river beach all the time, Other property owners in <br />the area feel the same as we do. i <br />I feel, the people who own the property to the south of this <br />public beach knew this park was there when they purchased <br />their property and should abide thereby. <br />There is a house on the south lot, on the ocean side of the <br />park and eventually there will be one on the north side. Are 1 <br />you going to close the park on the ocean side when people <br />complaincof the park. <br />Beulah Law & Barnes Law <br />ale <br />Atlas Van Lines', \Agent <br />I <br />t <br />AUG 18 1976. <br />BOOL 26 ?1�11c 4 <br />