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$D23, Box 925 <br />Vero Beach, Fla. 32960 <br />August lbs 1976 <br />County Commissioners <br />Indian River County <br />Indian River County Courthouse <br />Vero Bea^h, Fla. 32960 <br />Bear Commissioners: <br />Only today it was brought to my attention that a public hearing U49 to be held k <br />this week on the closing of the river side of the public park near the southern <br />end of Ambersand Beach. I regret that I cannot attend the hearing, but 1--do,•dish <br />my views to be a matter of record. I own and occupy property ih AmbersaInd Soach <br />only a few hundred yards to the north and am interesteA both in these proceedings <br />and all other matters which bear on the future developmegt of this community. <br />In my view, the public at large has a right to both beach and river access. This <br />right is vital to the economy of the'State of Florida and has, in fact, been re- <br />cognized by the County, as evidenced by its continuing efforts to acquire public <br />'.access routes and beach areas before ocean and riverfront property values -become <br />excessive. People from across the Country vacation in Florida with the expectat <br />Ion of enjoying our beaches a and they are enjoy their reason for be - <br />Ing here. To deliberately close off a presently owned City, County, or State <br />public access makes no sense to me whatsoever* <br />When the Government -• Ni it City, County, or State - fails to provide and maintain <br />adequate public access areas to the beach and river, those who use the beach.and <br />river force their way through private properties - tramplng bushes, breaking down <br />the dunes, strewing garbage, and, in some cases, causing disturbance. One can'say <br />to them - and I frequently have, "There is a public.p=k only a half mile north. <br />Go There," This does not solve the problem; it's usually solved only when a <br />Sheriff's Deputy has been summoned to move them one - <br />Another consideration is property value* Before I bought my property in 1169, I <br />considered both the Sebastian Inlet State Park and the South Ambersand Beach Park <br />as "safety -valves", Both were fqr enough away.not to bother me directly, but both <br />were public areas close enough that I should not be overly concerned -about trespass <br />on my own property. I have found this is not the case, and particularly since the <br />County has seen*fit to close the river access at Ambersand Beach Park. We now <br />have more people than ever forcing their way through our property and adjacent <br />properties® <br />My recommendation$ -would be the encouragement of a more complete utilization -of <br />the public access areas which are already bought -and paid for. The physical <br />facilities should be improved - better restrooms, better picnic tables and <br />shelters, and adequate trash cans* *More intensive. surveillance by the She'riff's' . <br />Department may be in order. I'm willing to bet that.ih costs less to schedule. <br />the routine policing of public facilities than it does .to respond to numerous <br />ccnplaints by taipayers whose properties are being overrun <br />cerely y'es ' <br />ohm D. Rale <br />c ' <br />a i <br />- c <br />AUG 1 $1976 Q <br />P� <br />5 <br />;�. .��,. <br />Y <br />