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288 <br />TUESDAY 2 MAY 6th 19300 <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />the Court House in Vero Beach, at 10 o'clock A.M.Tuesday, May 6th 1930, with the <br />following members of the Board present: Albert 0. Helseth,; J. D. Yongue; <br />J. W. LaBruce ; J. J. P. Hamilton and John H. Atkin. .Also present were Miles Marren, <br />Clerk and Clark S. Rice, Sheriff. <br />The minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />E. W. Vickers, representing the Fellsmere Cross .Mate Road District, appeared <br />before the Board regarding the amount of $4,201.57 owing to the County by the Road <br />District for rent on road machinery. <br />It was moved by Com'r. , Atkin, Seconded by Com'r. Hamilton that certificates of <br />Deposit #559--560 and 561 issued by the Ft Pierce Bank & Trust Company, totaling <br />$3,840.20 be accepted in full payment of the bill, subject to final payment of such <br />Certificates of Deposit by the said Bank. Upon being put to a vote the same was carriod. <br />The County Nurse appeared before the Board regarding paupers and dependent <br />mothers. It was ordered, Mrs Laura Woods of Wabasso be placed on the Mothers' Pen - <br />cion list to receive $20.00 per month, her application appearing to be in regular orde�. <br />It was also ordered that hospital bill in conneetionmwith Mrs. Wood be paid. <br />It was ordered that Wm. F. Johnson, Vabasso, be placed on the pauper list to <br />receive $10.00 per month until further orders of the Board. <br />It was ordered that bills of F. M. Purvis made by the County Nurse be paid. <br />Mr. Shan Kersey appeared before the Board regarding road conditions by his place. <br />Assurance was given that the condition would be rem0died at once. <br />Prof J. L. Powers, appeared requesting use of County Trucks to put the atheletic <br />field at Vero Beach <br />school in condition, work to <br />be done next Thursday. <br />It <br />was ordere( <br />the County Engineer <br />be instructed to loan three <br />trucks and drivers for <br />this <br />work. <br />It was ordered the County Engineer and Com'r. Hamilton look over matter of <br />repairing school grounds or campms a* negro school in Gifford. <br />The Notary bond of J. A. Harmes, in the sum of $500,00 with American -Surety Co., <br />a corporation of New York was approved. <br />Checks totaling $544.81 for sale of sulvert pipe received, and it was ordered this <br />be placed in the Road & Bridge Fund. <br />WHEREAS, it appears that it is necessary for this Board to designate the dividing <br />line dividing fresh waters in the Sebastian River from the salt waters of the Indian <br />River't'o propeily* protect the fish in said eaters under the laws of Florida, <br />THEREFORE, be it Resolved by the Board of County Commissioners in regular meeting <br />assembled that the railroad bridge of the Florida East Coast Railway Company is hereby) <br />designated and declared as the dividing line, dividing the fresh waters of the Sebastij <br />River from the Salt waters of the Indian River. <br />Be it further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent the State game and <br />Fish Commissioners of the State of Florida, at Tallahassee. Upon being put to a vote <br />the same was unanimously adopted. <br />As provided by law the Board of County Commissioners proceeded to name and select <br />the Inspectors and Clerk for the various voting precincts of the County, for the pur- <br />pose of holding the general Primary Election to be held Tuesday, June 3rd 1930. The <br />following named persons, for the precincts designated, were so selected: <br />11 <br />1 <br />