records shall be furnished to the DEPARTMENT upon request, Records of costs incurred
<br />include the COUNTY'S general accounting: records and ;the.. project records,, together with
<br />supporting documents:and records:of the COUNTY and all. subcontractors performing work
<br />on the project, and all other records of the COUNTY and subcontractors considered
<br />necessary by the DEPARTMENT for a proper audit of costs.
<br />L. The DEPARTMENT, during any fiscal year, shall not expend money; incur any liability,
<br />or enter into any contract which, by its terms, involves the expenditure of money in excess of
<br />the amounts..budg.eted as. available,for expenditure. -during such.;fiscal year.:,.. Any contract,
<br />verbal orwritten-; made :in violation Of this'su'b"sectio, null:and void,, and no -money may be
<br />paid on,contract.Jhe DEPARTMENT: shall require •a statement from the;Comptrollerof
<br />the DEPARTMENTthat are available prior AO entering into.any such contract or other
<br />binding cornmitrnent of funds; Nothing herein contained ,shall' prevent the -making. of
<br />contracts for periodsexceeding one year, but-an.y.contract so madeshall be executory only
<br />for the value of the services to be. rendered or agreed tOT be;=paid forin succeeding fiscal
<br />years.
<br />M A person or affiliate who has; been: placed -on the convicted :vendor list following _a
<br />conviction for a public entity crime may not -submit a bid'on a contractto provide any groods
<br />or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity; for the
<br />construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of
<br />real property to a >p:ublic:' entity,.; may; not be; awarded -or perform work asa contractor,
<br />supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a,; contract. with, any,,: public entity and may not
<br />transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in
<br />Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date
<br />of being placed, on the, convicted vendor list
<br />N. An entity or affiliate who has been placed on the discriminatory vendor list may not
<br />submit a bid;on.a contract to provide any goods -,or services: to a, public entity,: may not;submit
<br />a bid on ;a -contract with :a public: entity for; the: construction -or repair, of a public building or
<br />public work;. may not submit bidsonleases.of real property to -a public entity, may not be
<br />awar=ded or: perform work•as a ;contractor., supplier; subcontractor, ,or consultant under, a
<br />contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity..
<br />O. Any unexpended funds:. remaining; at the completion, or earlier termination of this
<br />Agreement shall;; be ,.returned to the DEPARTMENT. within ;30 days of the completion or
<br />earlier termination of the :Agreement..,
<br />A. i) To the extent allowed by Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the COUNTY hereby
<br />agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the DEPARTMENT and all of its
<br />officers, agents or -employees- from alt suits, ,actions, claims, demands, ;liabilities of any
<br />nature whatsoever arising out of, ,because, of, or due to breach of this Agreement by the
<br />.
<br />COUNTY;. its .officers, <,ag enfis,employees; _contractors/subcontractors, consultants/sub-
<br />consultants or due to any negligent act=or' occurrence of:omission or: commission of the
<br />COUNTY, its officers, agents, employees, contractors/subcontractors,. consultants/sub-
<br />consultants. Neither COUNTY nor any of its officers, agents, employees,
<br />contractors/subcontractors .;consultants/sub-consultants will ;be..liable, underthis:section for
<br />the negligence -of the DEPARTMENT or any of_its officers; agents.or employees.
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