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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />Department of Utility Services <br />Memo <br />To: Dan Chastain, Assessment Manager <br />From: Gordon E. Sparks, P.E., Environmental Engineer s <br />Thru: Mike Hotchkiss, P.E., Capital Projects Manager N4 - <br />CC: W. Eric Olson, Director <br />Date: January 6, 2006 <br />Re: IRC — Lakewood Terrace Subdivision Water Assessment, UCP # 2317 <br />WIP #173-169000-03520 <br />Cost Estimate for Assessment <br />Attached is the estimated cost to install the water main and appurtenances for the Lakewood Terrace <br />Subdivision including Engineering, Permitting and Surveying. My estimated cost is $354,735.00. <br />Also a part of the Lakewood Terrace water assessment is the subdivision's fair share cost of installing the 12" <br />water main down 27th Avenue from 17t Street SW, which is outlined on Exhibit C in the Falcon Trace <br />Developer's Agreement approved by the BCC on November 9, 2004. Lakewood Terrace is responsible for <br />about 46% of the Area "A" share of $37,234.00. This amounts to $17,185.00 and when added to $354,735.00 <br />equals $371,920.00 <br />Therefore, I recommend $372,000.00 be used for the Assessment Roll. <br />Page 1 <br />ATTACHMENT 3 <br />F:\Utilities\UTILITY - ENGINEERING\Projects - Assessment Projects\LAKEWOOD TERRACE WATER SERVICE - UCP 42317\A - Memo to Dan Cost <br />Estimate for Assessment December 16, 2005.doc <br />