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SECTION D — ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES <br />In addition to the foregoing being performed, the following services may be provided UPON WRITTEN AUTHORIZA- <br />TION OF THE OWNER and approval of the FmHA: <br />1. Site surveys for water treatment plants, sewage treatment works, dams and reservoirs. <br />2. Laboratory tests,well tests, borings, specialized geological, hydraulic or other studies recommended by the ENGINEER. <br />3. Property surveys, detailed descriptions of sites, maps, drawings, or estimates related thereto; assistance in negotiating <br />for land and easement rights. <br />q. Necessary data and filing maps for water rights, water adjudication, and litigation. <br />S. Redesigns ordered by the OWNER after final plans have been accepted by the OWNER and FmHA. <br />6. Appearances before courts or boards on matters of litigation related to the project. <br />Payment for the services specified in this Section D shall be as agreed between the OWNER and ENGINEER and <br />approved by FmHA prior to commencement of the work, barring unforeseen circumstances, such payment should not exceed <br />$--5- M—oq.'rhe engineer will render to owner for such services an itemized bill, separate from <br />any other biding, at the end of each month for compensation for services performed hereunder during such month, the same <br />to be due and payable by OWNER to the ENGINEER on or before the 10th day of the following month. <br />SECTION E — APPROVAL BY FmHA <br />This agreement shall not become effective until approved by FmHA. Such approval shall be evidenced by the signature <br />of a duly authorized representative of FmHA in the space provided at the end of this Agreement. The approval so evidenced <br />by FmHA shall in no way commit FmHA to render financial assistance to the OWNER, but in the event such assistance is <br />provided, the approval shall signify that the provisions of this Agreement are consistent with the requirements of FmHA. <br />0 CT 5 1977 <br />