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RESOLUTION NO . 2011 = 059 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY <br /> COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY , FLORIDA <br /> URGING THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT TO <br /> ADDRESS CONCERNS RAISED BY COUNTY CITIZENS ABOUT <br /> DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AREA IR-2 . <br /> WHEREAS , the Florida Inland Navigation District ( FIND ) is responsible for <br /> providing all lands required by the Federal government for the - periodic dredging <br /> of the channel of the Intracoastal Waterway ( ICW) for navigation maintenance <br /> purposes ; and <br /> WHEREAS , in the mid 1990s . ( 1995 - 97 ) ; FIND underwent a site selection <br /> process to identify storage locations for material to be dredged from the ICW, <br /> during which time the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners <br /> appointed the County Marine Advisory/ Narrows Watershed Action Committee <br /> ( MANWAC ) to serve as a citizens advisory committee to provide feedback to <br /> FIND for the site selection process , and FIND held multiple public meetings for <br /> public input on dredged material management site selection ; and <br /> WHEREAS , FIND , as part of its site selection process , collected limited <br /> sediment samples , conducted studies , and compiled other data , all of which <br /> was incorporated in reports made available to the public ; and <br /> WHEREAS , as a result of the site selection process -and the input from <br /> MANWAC and the public meetings , FIND identified three primary sites and five <br /> secondary sites , all of which were identified in the County 2020 Comprehensive <br /> Plan , Policy 20 . 1 of the Future Land Use Element of the 2020 Comprehensive <br /> Plan included five criteria for selection of dredge spoil disposal sites . Using <br /> these criteria , FIND selected and acquired an approximately 180 acre dredged <br /> material management area ( DMMA) now known as DMMA IR - 2 ; and <br /> WHEREAS , FIND and the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers , as part of their <br /> permitting process , recently updated some of the data collected during the site <br /> selection process ; and <br /> WHEREAS , recently , the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers began <br /> construction of DMMA IR- 2 , prompting questions from county residents about the <br /> site selection , scope , need , design , and environmental sensitivity of the DMMA <br /> I R - 2 project ; , and <br /> WHEREAS , at a meeting of the Indian River County Board of County <br /> Commissioners on June 7 , 2011 , the Executive Director of FIND provided an <br /> update on the . status of the DMMA IR -2 project to the Board and to citizens in <br /> 1 <br /> FACommunity Development\Users\ROLAND\MANWAC\FIND DMMA IR-2\FIND DMMA IR-2 BCC Res revised draft. doc <br />