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Attachment 2 <br />Citizen Comments <br />A notice announcing a public hearing and the availability to review and comment on the County's <br />proposed NSP3 Abbreviated Action Plan was published on the County website and also was <br />advertised in the local news paper, Indian River Press Journal on January 30, 2011 <br />( The Indian River County NSP3 Abbreviated Action Plan was published for <br />public comment on the County website on February 10, 2011 and was kept on the County website for <br />a minimum of 15 days as required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development Federal <br />Register Notice (Federal Register Volume 75 No. 201, Tuesday, October 19, 2010) <br />In addition to soliciting public comments through the County website and the local newspaper the <br />County conducted a publicly noticed Citizens Advisory Task Force (CATF) Meeting on February 14, <br />2011 and a Public Hearing before the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on February 15, 2011. <br />The following is a summary of public comments received from the CATF meeting, from the BCC Public <br />H earing, and from communications received by staff from the general public. Those speaking at the <br />CATF meeting were members of the CATF and a representative from the Indian River Habitat for <br />H umanity Those speaking at the BCC meeting were Commissioners, representatives for the Indian <br />River Habitat for Humanity, a representative for the Coalition for Attainable Homes and the Treasure <br />Coast Homeless Services Council, and two interested citizens. <br />Acceptance of Grant Funds <br />At both the CATF meeting and the BCC meeting, there was a debate from members about whether or <br />n ot the County should accept the NSP3 funds. Overall, there was a feeling that government needs to <br />be scaled back and that taxes need to be lowered. Those in the minority felt that the County needs <br />to make a stand and not accept the NSP3 funds and further request that the funds be returned to <br />Washington and allocated to pay off debt Those in the majority agreed that a stand needs to be <br />made on not accepting certain federal government funds, but that the NSP is not where the County <br />should make the stand. <br />The majority felt that the NSP3 funds would be put to good use helping a local cause and local people. <br />Those in the majority also felt that the funds would help people that may need a hand -up not a <br />handout, would take vacant properties and put them back on the tax role, would help to reduce crime <br />in neighborhoods, and would serve as a catalyst for others to make improvements in their <br />n eighborhoods. <br />N SP3 Partner Organization <br />B oth those in the majority and those in the minority felt that using Indian River Habitat for Humanity <br />as the lead agency for undertaking NSP3 activities would work well given Habitat's track record for <br />success. For its part, Indian River Habitat for Humanity indicated that it could use the NSP3 funds <br />productively and that, besides stabilizing neighborhoods, the NSP3 funds would produce jobs and <br />taxes. <br />