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RESOLUTION NO. 2014-24.q_ <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, REVOKING RESOLUTION 2014-031; <br />POSTPONING PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING PROJECT <br />INDEFINITELY; DIRECTING THE MAILING OF THIS RESOLUTION TO <br />THE OWNER OF EACH PROPERTY AFFECTED; AND DIRECTING <br />CONTACT WITH THOSE WHO WITHDREW SUPPORT. <br />WHEREAS, the County Public Works Department had been petitioned for Road Asphalt <br />Milling Improvements for 4th Place east of 66th Avenue to one block east of 63�d Avenue in Pine <br />Tree Park Subdivision, Units 2 and 3 (the "Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, based on front footage, it was determined that 75.9% of the property owners <br />expressed support of the Project, exceeding the minimum 66.7% necessary for a petition paving <br />(millings) project to go forward; and <br />WHEREAS, on April 8, 2014, the Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") adopted <br />Resolution No. 2014-030 providing for the estimated cost to the benefited properties to be <br />assessed, and Resolution No. 2014-031 setting a time and place for a public hearing to beheld at <br />the County Commission Chambers in the County Administration Building at the hour of 9:05 A.M. <br />on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 to hear input concerning the special assessment Project; and <br />WHEREAS, it has since been determined after additional communication with the property <br />owners that the petition no longer meets the minimum 66.7% necessary for a petition paving <br />(millings) project to go forward; <br />i <br />