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Commissioner Ruth Stanbridge who in 2002 voted to allocate related funds." [copy <br />is on file] His recommendation was to table this item and seek State funding. <br />Commissioner Ginn had read the newspaper article and felt this was a local <br />issue. She said the money had been set aside for Executive Director Beth Mitchell <br />of the Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce to hire the best person qualified <br />and she felt that Ruth Stanbridge is uniquely qualified. She did not believe there <br />was anything "behind the scenes". She clarified that former Commissioner Ruth <br />Stanbridge cannot be hired until she has been out of office for one year, which <br />would be the end of November 2003. <br />Commissioner Lowther personally felt if it looks fishy and smells fishy, it is <br />fishy and, unfortunately Ruth was part of the voting in favor of this program. He <br />thinks with a population of 112,000 people in the county there has to be more than <br />one person qualified for the position. <br />Commissioner Adams had not read the newspaper, but has seen the <br />incredible busloads of tourists that come here to see the beautiful resources and take <br />the historical tours. She said for at least seven years this has been discussed and our <br />county has done nothing to encourage eco -heritage tourism and she felt it was time <br />to move forward. She pointed out that the backup did not mention any names and <br />she told Commissioner Lowther that he cannot take action on personalities. The <br />agenda item is strictly voting on the best program and it is up to the TDC to select <br />the best person for the job. She supported the program. <br />Commissioner Ginn added that these are tourist tax dollars and it has been <br />an effort to get the program coordinated because it is something that our county has <br />not done before. <br />In response to Commissioner Neuberger's question, Assistant County <br />Administrator Joe Baird explained that the funds were leftover from the Pelican <br />Island Centennial Celebration funds. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Adams, <br />SECONDED BY Commissioner Ginn, to approve staffs <br />recommended. <br />OCTOBER 14, 2003 9 <br />