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Discussion ensued and Chairman Macht agreed with Commissioner <br />Lowther pointing out, however, that the person involved, could never have known <br />that there would have been leftover funds. <br />Commissioner Ginn added that the paper did say that she could not have <br />known the funds were available. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the Motion <br />carried 4-1 (Commissioner Lowther opposed). (The Board <br />approved funding in the amount of $24,900 to promote <br />Eco -Heritage Tourism.) <br />7.N. DIAMOND COURT VILLAGE — FLOODPLAIN CUT AND <br />FILL BALANCE WAIVER (CARTER ASSOCIATES, INC.) <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Adams, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Ginn, the Board unanimously approved <br />alternative No. 1, the cut and fill balance waiver to Carter <br />Associates, Inc., as requested in the memorandum. <br />9.B.1. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEM - BRIAN HEADY'S <br />REQUEST TO ADDRESS MATTERS OF <br />IMPORTANCE ON THE GROWTH OF THE COUNTY <br />(BEACH PRESERVATION) <br />Chairman Macht told Mr. Heady that he wished he would speak on specifics rather <br />than generalizations. <br />Brian Heady of Vero Beach clarified his comment made at the previous Board <br />meeting, for the record, that the sand on the beach was gone and he meant it realigned back into the <br />ocean underwater. He displayed a picture of the sand at South Beach Park, surfside area, Sector 7. <br />Commissioner Ginn interjected that that beach has not been renourished and has <br />been a hot spot for erosion for years. <br />OCTOBER 14, 2003 10 <br />